Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2013

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2013

Table 2.3 Number of active Scottish based vessels by district 1 and length group as at 31st December 2013

Length group (metres)
10m & Over
District under >10 -12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 40 Over 10m Total
Aberdeen 78 4 4 - - - 8 86
Anstruther 91 8 3 1 - - 12 103
Buckie 50 4 3 11 7 1 26 76
Eyemouth 89 10 3 6 1 - 20 109
Fraserburgh 96 1 4 59 26 10 100 196
Peterhead 51 - - 15 24 7 46 97
Scrabster 82 4 2 2 2 - 10 92
Total - East Coast 537 31 19 94 60 18 222 759
Orkney 95 25 9 5 4 - 43 138
Shetland 132 4 4 16 9 8 41 173
Stornoway 172 15 7 23 - 1 46 218
Total - Islands 399 44 20 44 13 9 130 529
Ayr 78 8 11 30 27 3 79 157
Campbeltown 95 16 11 21 - - 48 143
Kinlochbervie 14 2 - 3 - - 5 19
Lochinver 11 1 - 1 - - 2 13
Mallaig 30 2 2 15 1 - 20 50
Oban 80 19 3 18 - - 40 120
Portree 107 14 4 2 - - 20 127
Ullapool 75 13 3 11 - 1 28 103
Total - West Coast 490 75 34 101 28 4 242 732
Total 1,426 150 73 239 101 31 594 2,020

(1) A district is an administrative area which encompasses a length of coastline within which there are a number of ports.


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