Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2014

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2014

Table 1.1.l Quantity and value of landings by all UK vessels into the rest of the UK, by main species 1: 2010 to 2014

  Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
UK vessels
Landings into the Rest of the UK
Bass 691 721 819 772 1,003 4,877 5,478 5,612 5,608 7,323
Black scabbardfish - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0
Blue ling - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 -
Brill 281 283 298 275 273 1,561 1,746 1,568 1,566 1,571
Cod 2,052 1,699 1,617 1,108 1,102 3,822 3,301 3,146 2,369 1,973
Haddock 2,260 2,724 3,076 1,934 1,248 2,441 2,895 3,408 2,534 1,969
Hake 653 663 856 930 1,009 1,149 1,098 1,310 1,862 1,898
Lemon sole 1,406 1,047 1,953 1,829 1,646 5,075 4,294 5,374 5,741 5,735
Ling 322 418 346 358 469 391 536 410 415 439
Megrims 1,216 1,043 1,245 1,778 1,301 3,632 3,424 3,251 3,789 3,414
Monkfish 3,532 3,888 3,700 3,630 3,714 10,443 11,940 10,894 10,975 9,505
Plaice 2,258 2,186 2,477 2,462 2,176 2,853 3,001 2,949 2,738 2,500
Pollack 1,182 1,434 1,313 1,205 1,538 2,514 3,267 2,927 2,587 2,713
Saithe 82 224 143 179 134 84 266 146 197 147
Skates and rays 2,139 2,090 2,096 2,070 1,804 3,278 3,280 3,097 2,782 2,175
Sole 1,655 1,839 1,709 1,739 1,756 13,962 16,200 13,776 12,684 12,265
Turbot 365 397 408 397 464 3,039 3,798 3,307 3,340 3,767
Whiting 1,818 1,745 1,939 1,981 1,804 1,396 1,543 1,416 1,312 1,343
Other demersal 4,463 4,557 4,456 4,364 4,030 4,528 5,368 4,991 4,211 4,162
Total demersal 26,376 26,958 28,450 27,011 25,472 65,045 71,434 67,582 64,708 62,899
Blue whiting 32 23 117 0 0 9 6 32 0 0
Herring 8,039 5,934 5,578 8,498 7,040 2,354 2,521 2,507 2,682 1,987
Horse mackerel 4,610 6,724 7,565 1,874 2,293 1,275 1,884 2,084 520 703
Mackerel 4,722 5,280 4,570 3,098 4,044 3,941 5,214 4,681 3,058 4,182
Other pelagic 7,139 7,784 9,256 7,548 7,544 1,627 1,848 2,141 1,744 2,556
Total pelagic 24,542 25,746 27,087 21,017 20,920 9,206 11,474 11,445 8,003 9,428
Cockles 1,012 3,149 2,234 10,109 10,171 1,210 2,698 1,486 5,264 7,868
Cuttlefish 3,832 3,258 5,261 3,650 3,066 7,465 8,843 10,684 6,487 6,496
Edible crabs 12,153 12,911 15,089 15,460 17,435 14,729 16,427 18,790 20,012 22,899
Lobsters 1,578 1,947 2,015 1,935 2,153 15,068 19,389 19,310 19,256 20,805
Nephrops 9,336 9,952 10,750 10,392 10,151 15,628 24,423 28,336 24,286 25,275
Patagonian squid - - - - - - - - - -
Queen scallops 4,779 13,581 11,737 12,412 7,439 1,789 4,797 4,494 5,379 3,613
Scallops 21,558 22,292 23,865 18,504 17,327 32,506 38,774 39,357 30,795 31,053
Squid 443 689 373 633 724 1,690 3,061 2,045 2,821 2,995
Velvet crabs 309 387 337 218 235 552 612 513 364 408
Whelks 14,103 13,658 16,090 19,329 18,926 9,172 8,860 10,927 13,238 15,592
Other shellfish 8,221 12,804 11,651 3,985 2,288 5,598 5,320 6,640 4,844 3,656
Total shellfish 77,324 94,628 99,402 96,627 89,916 105,407 133,202 142,582 132,743 140,658
Total landings 128,242 147,332 154,938 144,655 136,309 179,658 216,110 221,609 205,455 212,984

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2014.

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