Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2014

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2014

Table 1.1.m Quantity and value of landings by all UK vessels into the whole of the UK, by main species 1: 2010 to 201

  Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
UK vessels
Landings into the UK
Bass 692 721 819 774 1,004 4,881 5,480 5,613 5,619 7,328
Black scabbardfish 104 36 34 57 112 170 90 69 105 151
Blue ling 384 76 48 217 305 494 102 70 307 327
Brill 283 285 301 279 277 1,567 1,753 1,579 1,586 1,587
Cod 14,670 12,694 12,704 13,034 13,994 28,605 27,463 24,948 25,840 27,823
Haddock 31,721 28,262 34,000 38,660 35,384 36,181 34,670 35,724 43,482 49,330
Hake 5,625 6,727 6,530 6,465 8,517 10,156 12,462 13,477 16,114 19,693
Lemon sole 1,931 1,611 2,479 2,521 2,333 6,262 5,906 6,747 7,649 7,857
Ling 4,117 4,193 4,060 4,019 4,439 5,689 6,156 5,645 5,465 5,386
Megrims 3,555 3,208 3,299 3,989 3,330 10,110 10,496 8,739 9,114 8,638
Monkfish 11,741 11,830 10,262 10,083 11,351 38,516 39,533 31,936 30,301 31,438
Plaice 2,937 2,960 3,417 4,138 3,542 3,343 3,628 3,726 4,045 3,557
Pollack 1,728 1,917 1,770 1,621 1,897 3,538 4,388 3,903 3,408 3,416
Saithe 13,601 12,709 10,952 12,885 11,143 12,378 13,413 11,293 10,955 10,179
Skates and rays 2,690 2,658 2,624 2,618 2,393 3,820 3,878 3,556 3,264 2,691
Sole 1,657 1,842 1,713 1,740 1,760 13,972 16,224 13,795 12,695 12,286
Turbot 407 445 451 446 514 3,377 4,222 3,649 3,745 4,185
Whiting 8,936 9,669 10,791 12,036 11,119 9,403 11,326 10,897 11,472 11,814
Other demersal 8,016 6,618 6,587 6,962 6,487 10,581 9,051 8,144 7,782 7,380
Total demersal 114,794 108,461 112,843 122,546 119,901 203,042 210,241 193,510 202,948 215,066
Blue whiting 4,968 1,347 6,418 8,165 9,687 991 602 1,764 1,818 1,266
Herring 35,605 31,260 38,195 37,531 38,348 10,306 15,316 18,597 13,624 10,531
Horse mackerel 5,777 8,939 8,886 2,461 3,056 1,773 3,067 2,812 853 1,148
Mackerel 99,901 94,422 67,800 78,228 126,172 81,966 106,855 63,808 70,099 104,079
Other pelagic 7,778 8,293 11,020 8,516 9,084 1,775 1,963 2,547 1,969 2,926
Total pelagic 154,030 144,262 132,319 134,901 186,347 96,811 127,802 89,527 88,362 119,949
Cockles 1,354 3,153 2,239 10,109 10,171 1,531 2,707 1,496 5,264 7,869
Cuttlefish 3,832 3,258 5,261 3,651 3,066 7,465 8,843 10,684 6,487 6,496
Edible crabs 22,905 24,864 25,960 26,369 29,793 27,410 30,730 31,984 33,821 39,065
Lobsters 2,720 3,188 3,144 2,964 3,371 26,841 32,563 31,071 29,896 33,335
Nephrops 38,235 34,308 32,595 28,286 30,323 95,306 111,166 110,472 85,960 98,322
Patagonian squid - - - - - - - - - -
Queen scallops 12,253 22,938 19,277 17,779 10,562 4,693 8,571 7,603 8,430 5,080
Scallops 30,904 30,091 34,316 30,960 27,956 50,143 54,432 60,015 54,200 53,184
Squid 3,596 2,857 1,787 1,788 2,887 10,223 11,570 6,368 6,936 9,200
Velvet crabs 2,845 2,585 2,377 1,795 1,888 7,009 6,431 5,399 4,354 4,522
Whelks 14,453 13,897 16,437 20,006 19,787 9,362 8,998 11,143 13,721 16,275
Other shellfish 9,836 14,024 13,109 5,596 3,144 8,265 7,973 10,182 8,743 5,747
Total shellfish 142,934 155,163 156,501 149,303 142,948 248,248 283,984 286,416 257,811 279,093
Total landings 411,758 407,886 401,663 406,750 449,196 548,101 622,027 569,454 549,122 614,108

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2014.

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