Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2014

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2014

Table 1.5.b Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels using pelagic gears by main species 1 : 2014

Pelagic Gears

  Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Purse seine Pelagic trawl Other methods Total Purse seine Pelagic trawl Other methods Total
Blue whiting - 21,318 - 21,318 - 3,207 - 3,207
Herring 0 56,381 - 56,381 0 17,098 - 17,098
Mackerel 12,194 211,796 - 223,991 8,249 173,254 - 181,503
Other pelagic - 3,116 - 3,116 - 1,318 - 1,318
Total pelagic 12,194 292,611 - 304,806 8,250 194,877 - 203,127
Other species b - 111 - 111 - 112 - 112

(b) Other species include demersal and/or shellfish species


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