Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2014

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2014

Table 1.7.h Quantity and value of all landings into Scotland by district and main species 1: 2010 to 2014

  Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010
Catfish 46 40 43 51 49 72 74 79 95 90
Cod 2,976 2,631 2,404 2,637 3,222 5,775 5,743 4,601 5,174 6,608
Cuckoo ray 69 112 92 110 119 71 117 73 91 84
Haddock 2,516 2,728 3,935 5,270 4,449 3,137 3,425 4,370 6,934 6,765
Hake 190 254 225 280 506 224 344 309 438 737
Lemon sole 74 90 102 195 196 218 353 348 680 834
Ling 802 863 809 919 901 975 1,198 1,069 1,201 1,062
Megrims 634 633 701 844 664 1,841 2,193 2,042 2,222 1,950
Monkfish 1,659 1,846 1,244 1,105 1,300 5,515 6,210 3,921 3,496 3,895
Plaice 226 227 273 494 440 171 194 209 347 382
Pollack 136 112 120 148 97 287 275 253 301 213
Red gurnards 18 23 28 45 30 5 10 11 16 12
Saithe 2,227 1,873 1,588 1,991 1,677 1,919 1,844 1,555 1,571 1,477
Skates and rays 78 32 26 29 39 80 40 24 27 38
Spotted ray 29 39 44 62 56 40 57 50 69 61
Tusk 40 32 27 33 24 35 31 25 24 18
Whiting 1,744 1,794 2,155 2,501 2,429 1,936 2,149 2,292 2,568 2,661
Witches 72 88 91 75 61 88 127 122 84 79
Other demersal 417 63 63 143 48 383 292 223 320 172
Total demersal 13,952 13,480 13,967 16,929 16,306 22,770 24,676 21,577 25,658 27,138
Herring 7,542 9,440 15,925 11,441 6,576 2,255 4,608 7,123 4,448 1,691
Horse mackerel 2,861 2,146 1,489 179 69 1,398 1,120 849 118 8
Mackerel 56,235 44,136 28,404 43,879 51,601 47,026 56,113 24,169 39,911 42,086
Other pelagic 5,858 - 5,524 - - 1,212 - 1,492 - -
Total pelagic 72,495 55,722 51,342 55,500 58,247 51,891 61,841 33,632 44,477 43,786
Edible crabs 317 296 343 460 639 315 299 383 511 733
Lobsters 34 30 36 36 42 407 365 488 430 558
Scallops 1,077 910 1,147 1,157 990 3,030 1,574 1,943 1,921 1,885
Squid 228 157 38 80 108 646 642 179 358 330
Velvet crabs 275 263 232 185 168 693 814 699 604 519
Whelks 14 20 53 36 34 7 10 32 25 26
Other shellfish 349 289 86 42 28 860 943 236 56 72
Total shellfish 2,294 1,965 1,935 1,995 2,009 5,958 4,648 3,960 3,906 4,123
Total landings 88,741 71,167 67,244 74,425 76,561 80,619 91,165 59,169 74,041 75,046
Haddock 6 26 47 40 22 32 22 39 38 23
Monkfish 14 8 12 17 27 35 20 37 38 58
Skates and rays 17 23 26 30 29 14 19 25 24 24
Other demersal 71 53 47 43 45 79 59 60 42 48
Total demersal 107 110 133 129 123 160 119 161 141 153
Total pelagic 0 21 0 138 11 0 14 0 131 5
Edible crabs 688 776 725 801 934 717 856 834 923 1,061
Lobsters 134 131 120 89 128 1,352 1,415 1,247 907 1,286
Nephrops 1,452 1,378 1,650 1,554 1,386 5,917 5,431 6,916 6,060 5,987
Razor fish - - - 0 30       0 143
Scallops 459 402 428 542 598 860 811 802 1,013 1,189
Velvet crabs 295 269 294 237 259 690 718 730 572 660
Other shellfish 26 25 34 31 20 131 123 122 61 106
Total shellfish 3,054 2,980 3,252 3,255 3,355 9,667 9,354 10,651 9,536 10,433
Total landings 3,161 3,111 3,385 3,522 3,488 9,827 9,486 10,812 9,808 10,590

(1) Main species are those where the quantity landed into Scottish districts was 20 tonnes or over in 2014.


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