Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2014

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2014

Table 2.3 Number of active Scottish based vessels by district( 1) and length group as at 31st December 2014
Length group (metres) Total
District 10m & under >10 -12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 Over 40 Over 10m
Aberdeen 80 5 4 0 0 0 9 89
Anstruther 90 7 4 3 0 0 14 104
Buckie 54 5 3 10 8 1 27 81
Eyemouth 91 11 3 7 1 0 22 113
Fraserburgh 107 2 4 54 28 9 97 204
Peterhead 56 1 0 14 17 6 38 94
Scrabster 81 3 1 3 2 0 9 90
Total - East Coast 559 34 19 91 56 16 216 775
Orkney 89 25 8 5 3 0 41 130
Shetland 136 6 4 16 9 8 43 179
Stornoway 170 14 5 25 0 0 44 214
Total - Islands 395 45 17 46 12 8 128 523
Ayr 71 4 10 33 27 3 77 148
Campbeltown 97 15 11 22 0 0 48 145
Kinlochbervie 18 1 0 3 0 0 4 22
Lochinver 13 1 0 1 0 0 2 15
Mallaig 27 2 1 14 0 0 17 44
Oban 78 20 3 16 0 0 39 117
Portree 109 15 5 1 0 0 21 130
Ullapool 80 13 4 13 0 1 31 111
Total - West Coast 493 71 34 103 27 4 239 732
Total 1,447 150 70 240 95 28 583 2,030

(1) A district is an administrative area which encompasses a length of coastline within which there are a number of ports.


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