Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2014

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2014

Table 2.4 Number of active Scottish based vessels by main fishing method ( 1) as at 31st December: 2005 to 2014

Year 10m & under Over 10m Total
Pelagic Demersal Shellfish Over 10m Total
Nephrop trawls Creel fishing Other 2 Total Purse seine Pelagic trawl Other Total Trawl 3 Seine Lines Other 4 Total Nephrop trawls Creel Other Total
2005(r) 100 1,347 120 1,567 6 19 - 25 255 34 9 10 308 177 115 94 386 719 2,286
2006 98 1,299 121 1,518 5 16 - 21 247 33 10 10 300 171 121 93 385 706 2,224
2007 95 1,292 107 1,494 5 17 - 22 241 35 9 9 294 172 120 89 381 697 2,191
2008 86 1,296 110 1,492 4 20 - 24 234 35 14 12 295 188 122 84 394 713 2,205
2009 81 1,288 114 1,483 4 21 - 25 214 37 15 8 274 194 117 81 392 691 2,174
2010 79 1,292 114 1,485 4 20 - 24 199 33 14 10 256 190 117 78 385 665 2,150
2011 80 1,285 105 1,470 4 20 - 24 179 28 15 7 229 177 118 77 372 625 2,095
2012 80 1,266 102 1,448 4 20 - 24 166 25 15 9 215 171 110 78 359 598 2,046
2013 70 1,254 102 1,426 3 20 - 23 163 23 13 5 204 171 110 86 367 594 2,020
2014 75 1,266 106 1,447 2 19 - 21 154 24 12 4 194 167 110 91 368 583 2,030

(1) The main fishing method specified on a vessel's licence application may differ from the actual fishing gear used in individual voyages.

(2) The 10m & under 'other' fishing method category includes mechanical dredging; suction dredging, and shell fishing by hand.

(3) The over 10m 'Demersal Trawl' category includes; demersal single trawl, demersal pair trawl, demersal twin/multi trawl and beam trawl.

(4) The over 10m 'Demersal Other' category includes; demersal gill nets and other demersal.


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