Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2014

Statistics on the Scottish fishing fleet and its catches in 2014

Table 2.9 Number of fishermen employed on Scottish based vessels, by district: 2014

District Regularly Employed Irregularly Employed 1 Crofters Total
Aberdeen 64 49 - 113
Anstruther 104 53 - 157
Buckie 128 55 - 183
Eyemouth 204 15 - 219
Fraserburgh 633 148 - 781
Peterhead 301 41 - 342
Scrabster 132 8 - 140
Total East Coast 1,566 369 - 1,935
Orkney 217 80 - 297
Shetland 265 121 - 386
Stornoway 304 50 17 371
Total Islands 786 251 17 1,054
Ayr 636 38 - 674
Campbeltown 267 42 - 309
Kinlochbervie 41 5 - 46
Lochinver 22 3 2 27
Mallaig 96 2 - 98
Oban 218 26 - 244
Portree 155 20 34 209
Ullapool 193 7 - 200
Total West Coast 1,628 143 36 1,807
All districts 3,980 763 53 4,796

(1) Formerly referred to as part time


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