Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015

Details of landings of sea fish, the Scottish fishing fleet and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.1.v Quantity, value and percentage of landings by Scottish vessels by species type : 2011 to 2015

Quantity Value
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Landings by Scottish vessels as a per cent of landings by all UK vessels
Demersal 59.2% 59.0% 56.9% 52.3% 53.8% 52.9% 52.5% 49.6% 47.8% 48.7%
Pelagic 68.2% 66.1% 69.4% 75.7% 74.8% 73.7% 77.5% 80.0% 81.1% 77.5%
Shellfish 44.5% 40.6% 39.8% 40.5% 38.6% 55.4% 51.9% 51.1% 51.4% 48.7%
Total 59.5% 57.4% 58.4% 63.4% 62.1% 60.0% 59.0% 58.0% 59.5% 56.4%
Landings by Scottish vessels into Scotland as a per cent of landings by all Scottish vessels
Demersal 80.4% 84.6% 84.4% 90.2% 88.0% 85.6% 84.3% 88.1% 88.9% 88.4%
Pelagic 56.6% 51.6% 55.7% 49.6% 45.7% 58.9% 46.2% 51.9% 49.8% 43.4%
Shellfish 76.2% 75.3% 79.2% 80.2% 75.6% 86.0% 85.6% 86.6% 87.1% 84.5%
Total 66.8% 64.8% 67.7% 61.0% 58.4% 75.9% 71.2% 74.7% 71.6% 70.7%
Landings by Scottish vessels into the rest of the UK as a per cent of landings by all Scottish vessels
Demersal 1.6% 1.6% 1.2% 0.6% 0.7% 2.2% 1.7% 1.3% 0.6% 0.7%
Pelagic 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Shellfish 20.6% 20.8% 19.5% 19.0% 23.7% 12.4% 12.6% 12.0% 11.9% 14.6%
Total 4.6% 4.4% 3.6% 2.5% 3.3% 4.7% 4.8% 4.3% 3.7% 4.7%
Landings by Scottish vessels into the whole of the UK as a per cent of landings by all Scottish vessels
Demersal 82.0% 86.2% 85.6% 90.8% 88.7% 87.8% 86.0% 89.4% 89.5% 89.1%
Pelagic 56.6% 51.6% 55.7% 49.6% 45.7% 58.9% 46.2% 51.9% 49.8% 43.4%
Shellfish 96.8% 96.1% 98.7% 99.2% 99.3% 98.4% 98.2% 98.6% 99.0% 99.2%
Total 71.4% 69.2% 71.3% 63.5% 61.6% 80.7% 75.9% 79.0% 75.3% 75.5%
Landings by Scottish vessels abroad as a per cent of landings by all Scottish vessels
Demersal 18.0% 13.8% 14.4% 9.2% 11.3% 12.2% 14.0% 10.6% 10.5% 10.9%
Pelagic 43.4% 48.4% 44.3% 50.4% 54.3% 41.1% 53.8% 48.1% 50.2% 56.6%
Shellfish 3.2% 3.9% 1.3% 0.8% 0.7% 1.6% 1.8% 1.4% 1.0% 0.8%
Total 28.6% 30.8% 28.7% 36.5% 38.4% 19.3% 24.1% 21.0% 24.7% 24.5%


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