
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015

Details of landings of sea fish, the Scottish fishing fleet and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.4 Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels by main species 1 and vessel length group: 2015

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Overall vessel length group (metres) Overall vessel length group (metres)
<=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total <=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total
Cod 122 0 24 3,843 7,407 113 11,510 221 0 43 7,398 14,751 252 22,665
Haddock 2 0 21 8,523 18,812 82 27,440 2 0 20 10,927 26,308 126 37,382
Hake 0 - 0 742 5,894 17 6,654 0 - 0 980 14,892 22 15,895
Lemon sole 1 - 4 337 315 101 759 1 - 8 1,048 1,205 351 2,612
Ling 3 0 1 909 2,681 21 3,614 3 0 1 1,045 3,595 26 4,670
Megrims 0 - 2 1,037 859 4 1,902 0 - 5 2,477 2,215 13 4,709
Monkfish 4 2 19 4,933 6,124 48 11,130 8 6 37 11,493 14,588 138 26,269
Plaice 3 - 15 732 770 3,143 4,663 1 - 10 453 600 3,469 4,534
Saithe 21 - 3 1,872 6,342 42 8,280 16 - 3 1,621 5,550 31 7,220
Whiting 3 - 17 3,742 4,235 46 8,043 2 - 13 3,766 4,757 56 8,593
Other demersal 42 1 21 1,687 2,533 2,455 6,739 1,109 18 32 1,813 4,025 1,244 8,241
Total demersal 201 3 127 28,356 55,973 6,072 90,733 1,363 24 172 43,021 92,485 5,726 142,791
Blue whiting - - - - - 30,508 30,508 - - - - - 6,311 6,311
Herring 0 - - 47 1,941 56,738 58,726 0 - - 22 648 20,637 21,307
Mackerel 830 - 0 82 4,198 194,777 199,887 724 - 0 68 2,605 127,115 130,513
Other pelagic - - - 1,061 33 1,334 2,428 - - - 249 92 1,682 2,023
Total pelagic 830 0 0 1,191 6,172 283,357 291,549 724 0 0 339 3,345 155,745 160,153
Edible crabs 3,629 1,410 739 4,127 1 14 9,920 4,319 1,613 957 5,479 1 12 12,380
Lobsters 799 195 27 22 1 0 1,044 8,482 2,010 308 213 5 3 11,021
Nephrops 1,976 1,384 1,776 10,983 389 2 16,511 11,450 7,332 5,312 35,295 1,624 11 61,025
Queen scallops 9 4 3 5,941 3,128 - 9,086 10 2 2 3,349 1,717 - 5,079
Scallops 1,216 490 1,686 6,137 5,364 1,149 16,040 2,844 1,414 3,492 12,418 10,465 2,450 33,083
Squid 56 9 28 650 640 5 1,389 148 24 93 2,331 1,764 14 4,374
Velvet crabs 1,180 270 14 9 - - 1,473 2,899 770 40 24 - - 3,733
Other shellfish 883 535 241 630 14 0 2,303 1,790 737 179 912 22 0 3,641
Total shellfish 9,748 4,297 4,515 28,498 9,537 1,170 57,765 31,943 13,901 10,382 60,022 15,598 2,489 134,335
Total landings 10,779 4,300 4,642 58,045 71,682 290,599 440,047 34,029 13,925 10,555 103,381 111,429 163,960 437,279

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed by Scottish vessels was £2m or over in 2015.


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