Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015

Details of landings of sea fish, the Scottish fishing fleet and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.5.a Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels using demersal gears by main species 1: 2015

Demersal Gears
Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Demersal trawl 2 Demersal seine Demersal twin/multi trawl Lines Gill nets Beam trawl Other methods Total Demersal trawl 2 Demersal seine Demersal twin/multi trawl Lines Gill nets Beam trawl Other methods Total
Cod 8,317 1,773 1,258 85 7 2 1 11,443 16,599 3,267 2,519 155 14 3 1 22,558
Haddock 21,335 4,639 1,395 0 - - 0 27,369 29,712 5,822 1,774 0 - - 0 37,308
Hake 2,183 313 135 3,799 217 0 1 6,649 3,164 452 167 11,559 545 0 1 15,890
Lemon sole 547 49 137 0 - 15 0 748 1,860 190 498 0 - 43 0 2,591
Ling 2,067 91 506 887 56 - 0 3,607 2,444 117 600 1,436 62 - 1 4,660
Megrims 1,274 128 490 0 3 - 1 1,896 3,172 379 1,139 0 6 - 3 4,698
Monkfish 6,751 177 1,920 0 2,062 5 1 10,917 16,421 394 4,518 0 4,477 16 2 25,829
Plaice 2,454 125 1,046 0 - 1,001 - 4,627 2,228 87 1,084 0 - 1,111 - 4,511
Saithe 7,123 316 797 16 - - 1 8,254 6,251 266 674 12 - - 1 7,203
Whiting 5,294 1,834 842 0 - 0 1 7,973 5,654 2,059 820 0 - 0 2 8,534
Other demersal 5,537 63 588 325 48 68 0 6,628 5,359 104 814 332 89 293 0 6,991
Total demersal 62,882 9,508 9,114 5,113 2,394 1,092 6 90,109 92,864 13,138 14,607 13,494 5,193 1,466 11 140,773
Other species a 9,361 41 250 1,458 4 7 48 11,170 8,063 136 508 2,300 32 7 189 11,235

(a) Other species include pelagic and/or shellfish species


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