
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015

Details of landings of sea fish, the Scottish fishing fleet and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.5.c Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels using shellfish gears by main species 1 : 2015

Shellfish Gears
Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Creel fishing Nephrop trawl 2 Dredging Hand Shellfishing Other methods Total Creel fishing Nephrop trawl 2 Dredging Hand Shellfishing Other methods
Edible crabs 9,753 2 2 2 - 9,759 12,194 0 3 2 - 12,199
Lobsters 1,014 0 0 0 - 1,015 10,743 1 5 2 - 10,750
Nephrops 1,377 15,089 6 0 1 16,473 12,582 48,257 24 1 1 60,866
Queen scallops 1 - 9,075 - - 9,076 0 - 5,069 - - 5,069
Scallops 102 - 15,275 608 - 15,985 259 - 30,803 1,853 - 32,915
Squid 1 8 0 - - 10 3 19 1 - - 23
Velvet crabs 1,450 - 0 1 - 1,452 3,689 - 1 2 - 3,692
Other shellfish 1,599 0 38 333 - 1,970 1,427 0 114 1,446 - 2,987
Total shellfish 15,298 15,100 24,397 943 1 55,738 40,898 48,277 36,019 3,305 1 128,500
Other species c 263 482 54 0 - 799 1,329 704 139 0 - 2,173

(c) Other species include demersal and/or pelagic species

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed by Scottish vessels was £2m or over in 2015.
(2) Bottom trawl gears catching demersal species have been included as demersal trawls, while bottom trawl gears catching nephrops have been included as nephrops trawls.



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