
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015

Details of landings of sea fish, the Scottish fishing fleet and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 1.7 Quantity and value of all landings into Scotland by district and main species 1: 2011 to 2015

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Black scabbardfish - - 12 1 89 - - 18 1 134
Blue ling 3 4 16 28 115 5 7 20 25 161
Catfish 135 195 181 224 278 252 350 317 375 380
Cod 6,744 7,270 7,676 8,206 9,274 14,897 14,465 15,244 16,452 17,660
Cuckoo ray 1 5   4 21 1 4   3 14
Greenland halibut 16 28 153 194 185 43 58 378 477 591
Grey gurnards 10 31 37 41 118 4 10 15 16 45
Haddock 15,552 19,074 22,187 21,920 18,547 19,531 20,208 24,459 30,743 25,319
Hake 2,028 2,561 2,716 2,968 3,805 2,805 3,766 4,073 3,940 4,972
Halibut 47 37 26 21 29 419 352 259 216 237
Lemon sole 244 250 297 301 275 709 665 769 833 915
Ling 933 837 856 1,008 1,016 1,407 1,152 1,183 1,187 1,241
Megrims 384 358 453 431 388 1,236 978 1,098 1,076 909
Monkfish 1,334 1,044 1,035 1,392 2,200 4,470 3,288 3,206 3,962 5,491
Plaice 303 463 891 658 857 272 427 752 512 635
Pollack 298 238 199 248 389 694 509 390 470 681
Red gurnards 19 38 31 46 69 8 18 22 29 33
Redfish 49 152 339 235 63 64 212 513 339 113
Saithe 7,600 8,625 10,732 10,423 11,383 8,253 9,243 9,538 10,749 10,335
Thornback ray 2 10 21 27 31 2 11 17 23 22
Turbot 23 22 20 26 27 203 166 168 196 207
Tusk 27 29 36 34 22 29 30 29 27 18
Whiting 4,300 4,982 5,496 5,083 5,352 5,665 5,571 5,892 6,084 5,932
Witches 138 155 185 229 207 215 211 196 237 233
Other demersal 1,025 229 125 132 69 413 231 95 64 71
Total demersal 41,213 46,637 53,717 53,881 54,808 61,595 61,932 68,652 78,037 76,348
Blue whiting 3,136 17,874 8,904 9,699 12,150 1,624 5,709 2,001 1,267 1,994
Herring 22,280 38,199 21,423 33,306 20,721 11,883 21,590 8,266 9,385 7,188
Horse mackerel 1,177 94 554 1,026 620 980 45 325 713 434
Mackerel 57,374 44,352 42,886 83,213 46,656 65,486 40,689 37,996 64,948 29,488
Other pelagic 1 2,144 352 - - 0 1,470 110 - -
Total pelagic 83,969 102,664 74,120 127,243 80,146 79,973 69,504 48,698 76,313 39,104
Edible crabs 239 221 196 215 184 326 251 241 268 227
Nephrops 2,264 1,674 903 1,572 888 10,014 7,273 3,740 6,699 3,454
Red crabs 166 94 - 75 83 591 442 - 378 291
Scallops 176 594 1,383 825 1,691 340 1,346 2,404 1,537 3,515
Squid 230 244 99 227 243 927 741 429 601 750
Other shellfish 38 39 23 33 35 166 150 119 190 208
Total shellfish 3,113 2,866 2,604 2,947 3,124 12,363 10,203 6,933 9,673 8,444
Total landings 128,295 152,166 130,441 184,071 138,077 153,931 141,639 124,282 164,023 123,896
Total demersal 14 10 11 34 20 25 11 11 14 310
Total pelagic 30 7 - 5 - 11 4 - 1 -
Edible crabs 609 630 623 827 534 725 757 750 1,017 666
Nephrops 996 1,032 1,093 968 1,099 6,225 6,297 6,164 5,771 6,613
Scallops 239 191 364 263 408 496 403 685 672 913
Velvet crabs 63 77 54 61 35 173 204 135 167 87
Other shellfish 23 44 103 61 37 250 305 292 302 194
Total shellfish 1,929 1,973 2,238 2,180 2,113 7,870 7,966 8,026 7,929 8,474
Total landings 1,973 1,991 2,249 2,218 2,133 7,905 7,980 8,037 7,944 8,784

(1) Main species are those where the quantity landed into Scottish districts was 20 tonnes or over in 2015.


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