Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015

Details of landings of sea fish, the Scottish fishing fleet and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 2.3 Number of active Scottish registered vessels by district( 1) and length group as at 31st December 2015

District Length group (metres)
10m & under >10 -12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 Over 40 Over 10m Total
Aberdeen 76 5 4 - - - 9 85
Anstruther 93 5 4 3 - - 12 105
Buckie 61 4 2 10 6 1 23 84
Eyemouth 86 11 3 7 1 - 22 108
Fraserburgh 108 1 4 51 27 9 92 200
Peterhead 58 1 - 14 15 6 36 94
Scrabster 84 3 1 3 2 - 9 93
Total - East Coast 566 30 18 88 51 16 203 769
Orkney 90 26 8 5 3 - 42 132
Shetland 140 6 5 15 11 7 44 184
Stornoway 165 14 7 24 - - 45 210
Total - Islands 395 46 20 44 14 7 131 526
Ayr 78 3 9 31 14 1 58 136
Campbeltown 93 16 11 22 - - 49 142
Kinlochbervie 19 1 - 3 - - 4 23
Lochinver 12 1 - 1 15 1 18 30
Mallaig 30 2 1 14 - - 17 47
Oban 77 19 3 16 - - 38 115
Portree 102 15 4 1 - - 20 122
Ullapool 77 12 3 12 - 1 28 105
Total - West Coast 488 69 31 100 29 3 232 720
Total 1,449 145 69 232 94 26 566 2,015

(1) A district is an administrative area which encompasses a length of coastline within which there are a number of ports.


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