Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015

Details of landings of sea fish, the Scottish fishing fleet and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 2.8 Number of fishermen employed on Scottish registered vessels: 2006 to 2015

Year Regularly Employed Irregularly Employed 1 Crofters Total 2 Total employed in Scotland 3 Employment in fishing as proportion of total employed in Scotland
2006 4,109 999 97 5,205 2,500,200 0.2
2007 4,408 951 65 5,424 2,528,400 0.2
2008 4,585 807 56 5,448 2,534,600 0.2
2009 4,403 946 60 5,409 2,497,700 0.2
2010 4,257 909 52 5,218 2,479,700 0.2
2011 4,067 877 52 4,996 2,476,300 0.2
2012 3,752 941 54 4,747 2,481,500 0.2
2013 4,092 847 53 4,992 2,494,300 0.2
2014 3,980 763 53 4,796 2,557,700 0.2
2015 3,980 792 51 4,823 2,577,300 0.2

(1) Formerly referred to as part time
(2) Figures are limited to those employed on vessels which submit landing declarations to Marine Scotland port offices. They exclude, for example, those employed in cockle picking.
(3) Source : 2015 Annual Population Survey ( APS), ONS


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