Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015

Details of landings of sea fish, the Scottish fishing fleet and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 2.9 Number of fishermen employed on Scottish registered vessels, by district: 2015

District Regularly Employed Irregularly Employed 1 Crofters Total
Aberdeen 85 27 - 112
Anstruther 95 64 - 159
Buckie 109 65 - 174
Eyemouth 201 23 - 224
Fraserburgh 616 137 - 753
Peterhead 332 39 - 371
Scrabster 136 8 - 144
Total East Coast 1,574 363 - 1,937
Orkney 205 98 - 303
Shetland 263 136 - 399
Stornoway 290 53 17 360
Total Islands 758 287 17 1,062
Ayr 403 59 - 462
Campbeltown 306 14 - 320
Kinlochbervie 43 3 - 46
Lochinver 259 4 - 263
Mallaig 98 7 - 105
Oban 236 31 - 267
Portree 126 22 34 182
Ullapool 177 2 - 179
Total West Coast 1,648 142 34 1,824
All districts 3,980 792 51 4,823

(1) Formerly referred to as part time


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