Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015

Details of landings of sea fish, the Scottish fishing fleet and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Table 2.10 Number of fishermen employed on Scottish registered vessels, by region: 2015

Region Total employed in fishing Total employed in Scotland 1 Employment in fishing as proportion of total employed in Scotland 2
Aberdeenshire 1,170 139,200 0.84
Angus 52 54,600 0.10
Argyll & Bute 562 40,800 1.38
City of Aberdeen 14 125,000 0.01
City of Edinburgh 16 249,900 0.01
Dumfries and Galloway 269 71,400 0.38
East Lothian 91 48,500 0.19
Eilean Siar, Orkney & Shetland 1,062 38,300 2.77
Fife 159 172,000 0.09
Highland 940 121,300 0.77
Moray 173 44,400 0.39
North Ayrshire 25 55,100 0.05
Scottish Borders 117 54,800 0.21
South Ayrshire 173 51,400 0.34

(1) Source : 2015 Annual Population Survey ( APS), ONS
(2) Proportions based on unrounded estimates


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