Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2015

Details of landings of sea fish, the Scottish fishing fleet and the number of sea fishermen employed.

Annex 4: Landings and Vessel Tables

The following pages provide the landings and vessel tables

Table 1.1.a Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels into Scotland, by main species 1: 2011 to 2015

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Scottish vessels
Landings into Scotland
Bass 0 0 2 1 0 2 2 11 5 3
Black scabbardfish 36 34 57 112 127 90 69 105 150 161
Brill 1 3 4 4 5 7 10 20 15 24
Cod 10,123 10,542 10,501 10,698 11,273 22,345 20,807 20,729 21,581 22,170
Haddock 24,006 29,988 34,250 30,280 27,239 30,071 31,441 38,320 41,777 37,107
Hake 5,941 5,446 3,961 4,680 4,617 11,204 11,292 9,370 10,156 10,190
Lemon sole 537 501 655 597 625 1,548 1,303 1,813 1,892 2,159
Ling 3,678 3,634 3,283 3,309 3,434 5,474 5,104 4,467 4,069 4,399
Megrims 2,135 2,036 2,183 1,954 1,728 6,998 5,451 5,272 5,074 4,091
Monkfish 7,629 6,263 5,891 6,962 9,640 26,455 20,046 17,852 20,072 23,326
Plaice 705 841 1,533 1,173 1,463 577 680 1,182 902 1,029
Pollack 349 422 370 266 434 845 918 735 559 807
Saithe 10,906 9,894 10,467 8,071 7,912 11,367 10,247 8,719 7,210 6,804
Skates and rays 533 495 521 562 577 566 430 459 489 482
Sole 3 4 2 3 3 20 18 10 19 15
Turbot 43 40 43 44 55 378 320 358 374 446
Whiting 7,431 8,669 9,613 8,618 7,911 9,158 9,287 9,658 9,607 8,475
Other demersal 2,077 2,154 2,753 2,641 2,825 3,651 3,172 3,742 3,341 4,487
Total demersal 76,136 80,964 86,089 79,976 79,867 130,753 120,596 122,822 127,292 126,174
Blue whiting 1,324 6,301 8,165 9,687 12,150 595 1,732 1,818 1,266 1,994
Herring 22,020 31,844 28,923 31,298 32,076 11,126 15,711 10,910 8,541 11,341
Horse mackerel 167 1,246 588 763 694 86 680 333 445 484
Mackerel 84,851 61,972 74,211 120,539 87,362 96,307 58,176 66,201 98,945 55,507
Other pelagic 510 1,764 968 1,540 1,060 115 406 225 370 249
Total pelagic 108,871 103,127 112,855 163,827 133,342 108,230 76,704 79,488 109,565 69,575
Cockles 4 5 0 0 0 9 10 0 0 0
Cuttlefish 0 - 0 - 1 0 - 0 - 1
Edible crabs 9,726 9,471 9,516 10,596 9,655 11,462 11,321 11,785 13,622 12,124
Lobsters 1,225 1,122 1,022 1,208 1,039 13,011 11,683 10,512 12,410 10,974
Nephrops 21,696 19,634 16,816 18,803 15,147 80,297 76,541 59,151 69,473 56,548
Queen scallops 8,941 7,271 5,248 3,023 3,312 3,581 2,976 2,989 1,418 1,847
Scallops 7,527 9,695 11,791 10,257 10,108 15,119 19,206 22,214 21,362 21,536
Squid 2,148 1,399 1,149 2,142 1,226 8,446 4,284 4,125 6,151 4,024
Velvet crabs 2,195 2,036 1,572 1,655 1,473 5,814 4,872 3,982 4,120 3,733
Whelks 237 337 674 850 1,085 137 210 481 671 899
Other shellfish 1,179 1,364 1,554 839 598 2,532 3,004 3,744 2,052 1,875
Total shellfish 54,877 52,332 49,342 49,374 43,644 140,409 134,106 118,984 131,280 113,562
Total landings 239,884 236,423 248,286 293,177 256,854 379,392 331,406 321,294 368,138 309,310

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2015.


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