
Scottish sea fisheries statistics 2016

Annual National Statistics report on the quantity and value of landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels and landings into Scotland.

Table 1.4 Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels by main species 1 and vessel length group: 2016

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Overall vessel length group (metres) Overall vessel length group (metres)
<=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total <=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total
Cod 169 0 56 3,317 9,415 102 13,058 326 0 102 6,800 19,996 214 27,438
Haddock 7 0 100 7,364 20,563 112 28,146 5 0 80 8,763 28,493 153 37,495
Hake 0 - 8 537 7,262 11 7,817 0 - 7 860 17,510 15 18,392
Lemon sole 5 - 6 355 403 98 867 22 - 16 1,169 1,654 365 3,226
Ling 11 - 3 851 3,466 29 4,359 19 - 4 1,171 5,100 31 6,325
Megrims 0 - 4 1,164 955 6 2,129 0 - 10 3,143 2,901 20 6,074
Monkfish 6 1 38 5,598 6,943 79 12,664 15 2 93 15,745 18,670 206 34,730
Plaice 6 0 18 1,024 1,128 3,930 6,107 9 1 11 916 1,213 5,366 7,515
Saithe 23 - 5 1,380 6,494 59 7,961 20 - 5 1,396 6,725 50 8,195
Whiting 3 0 22 2,933 4,328 96 7,383 1 0 17 2,956 5,017 102 8,094
Wrasses 47 1 - 0 - - 48 3,133 14 - 0 - - 3,147
Other demersal 41 1 55 1,652 2,607 475 4,829 68 3 52 2,155 4,615 1,185 8,079
Total demersal 316 3 314 26,174 63,565 4,996 95,368 3,619 20 397 45,073 111,895 7,709 168,711
Blue whiting 0 - - - - 36,896 36,896 - - - - - 8,469 8,469
Herring 0 - 0 7 2,505 63,031 65,543 - - 0 3 1,482 42,074 43,559
Mackerel 811 - 0 42 3,802 183,831 188,487 858 - 1 45 3,020 164,678 168,602
Other pelagic 0 - - 2,180 5 1,261 3,447 1 - - 503 2 1,191 1,697
Total pelagic 811 - 1 2,230 6,311 285,020 294,373 859 0 1 552 4,504 216,412 222,327
Edible crabs 4,473 1,984 674 3,949 1 20 11,102 5,697 2,536 971 5,990 1 13 15,209
Lobsters 908 190 30 19 0 0 1,147 10,822 2,275 412 222 2 3 13,736
Nephrops 2,533 1,475 2,331 14,172 532 3 21,046 13,797 7,098 6,704 46,777 2,308 23 76,707
Queen scallops 41 5 12 4,825 3,522 - 8,405 46 3 12 3,884 2,499 - 6,444
Scallops 1,103 602 2,006 6,341 4,291 997 15,340 2,846 1,750 4,703 15,219 10,013 2,451 36,980
Squid 208 15 197 889 430 4 1,744 512 31 569 3,810 1,748 20 6,690
Velvet crabs 1,367 221 9 5 - - 1,603 3,701 692 26 17 - - 4,436
Other shellfish 1,520 801 184 687 14 0 3,206 2,979 838 169 1,622 29 0 5,637
Total shellfish 12,154 5,293 5,443 30,887 8,790 1,025 63,593 40,399 15,223 13,567 77,541 16,599 2,509 165,838
Total landings 13,281 5,296 5,757 59,291 78,667 291,041 453,334 44,876 15,243 13,965 123,165 132,997 226,630 556,877

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed by Scottish vessels was £2m or over in 2016.


Email: Valerie West

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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