
Scottish sea fisheries statistics 2016

Annual National Statistics report on the quantity and value of landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels and landings into Scotland.

Table 1.5.a Quantity and value of landings by Scottish vessels using demersal gears by main species 1: 2016

Demersal Gears

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000)
Demersal trawl 2 Demersal seine Demersal twin/multi trawl Lines Gill nets Beam trawl Other methods Total Demersal trawl 2 Demersal seine Demersal twin/multi trawl Lines Gill nets Beam trawl Other methods Total
Cod 9,603 2,188 1,081 133 13 5 - 13,024 20,333 4,417 2,327 265 21 11 - 27,374
Haddock 22,811 3,785 1,460 4 0 0 - 28,061 31,107 4,541 1,776 3 0 0 - 37,428
Hake 2,674 461 104 4,574 2 1 - 7,816 4,589 818 168 12,810 4 2 - 18,390
Lemon sole 630 55 161 0 0 10 - 856 2,339 238 591 1 1 30 - 3,200
Ling 2,583 197 384 1,166 26 - - 4,355 3,747 265 586 1,698 24 - - 6,320
Megrims 1,439 197 486 0 4 - - 2,126 3,982 727 1,351 1 8 - - 6,069
Monkfish 8,647 321 2,002 1 1,539 7 - 12,517 24,403 893 5,707 3 3,326 19 - 34,351
Plaice 3,069 269 1,695 2 1 1,050 - 6,087 3,538 272 2,225 2 1 1,462 - 7,500
Saithe 6,881 398 647 20 0 - - 7,946 7,072 388 706 18 0 - - 8,184
Whiting 4,751 1,940 626 4 0 0 - 7,321 5,151 2,246 641 4 0 0 - 8,043
Wrasses 0 - - 0 - - - 0 0 - - 1 - - - 1
Other demersal 3,534 138 642 279 29 111 - 4,733 5,771 199 1,120 311 47 509 - 7,956
Total demersal 66,623 9,949 9,288 6,183 1,615 1,184 - 94,842 112,033 15,004 17,199 15,117 3,432 2,032 - 164,817
Other species a 3,692 41 463 1,031 12 11 45 5,295 8,186 180 1,537 1,592 31 10 182 11,718

(a) Other species include pelagic and/or shellfish species


Email: Valerie West

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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