
Scottish sea fisheries statistics 2016

Annual National Statistics report on the quantity and value of landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels and landings into Scotland.

Table 1.11 Quantity and value of landings of key commercial stocks by Scottish vessels: 2012 to 2016

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£’000)
Stock 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Atlanto Scandian Herring 12,310 8,342 4,233 - 3,900 7,573 4,547 2,280 - 2,434
Clyde Herring 121 21 - - - 58 6 - - -
North Sea Herring ( 1) 33,641 39,363 44,977 48,322 59,220 17,212 14,700 12,926 17,657 39,681
West of Scotland Herring 8,248 10,211 12,155 10,404 2,423 4,129 3,493 3,265 3,650 1,444
North Sea Mackerel ( 2,3) 1,605 2,749 6,408 4,782 7,642 1,510 2,729 4,518 3,309 7,943
West of Scotland Mackerel ( 3) 132,740 131,242 231,416 192,068 178,964 129,585 123,407 189,165 125,216 158,588
West of Scotland Blue Ling 47 206 284 379 275 1 15 24 2 10
North Sea Cod 10,564 10,619 10,517 10,940 12,321 20,934 21,033 21,289 21,534 25,956
West of Scotland Cod (Via) 135 130 142 161 174 264 249 288 322 352
Rockall Cod (Vib) 11 9 10 18 33 24 19 17 35 73
North Sea Haddock 25,528 30,046 25,572 21,826 22,540 26,593 33,479 35,344 29,765 29,688
West of Scotland Haddock (Via) 4,084 3,811 3,232 3,034 3,078 4,028 4,062 4,452 4,269 4,205
Rockall Haddock (Vib) 577 596 1,152 2,052 2,160 946 971 1,547 2,677 2,965
North Sea Hake 1,595 1,199 1,639 1,761 2,927 3,524 2,765 2,876 3,132 6,765
West of Scotland Hake 3,805 2,948 3,635 3,934 3,834 9,136 8,238 9,451 11,221 9,867
North Sea Ling 1,909 1,886 1,787 1,801 2,044 2,578 2,532 2,075 2,185 2,953
West of Scotland Ling 2,164 1,598 1,701 1,707 2,130 3,223 2,169 2,227 2,351 3,081
North Sea Megrims 1,370 1,655 1,421 1,116 1,196 3,891 4,129 3,837 2,813 3,672
West of Scotland Megrims 675 526 533 610 750 1,594 1,136 1,239 1,275 1,724
North Sea Monkfish 4,622 4,174 5,518 7,458 8,490 15,116 12,555 15,789 18,048 24,096
West of Scotland Monkfish 2,073 1,770 1,953 2,461 2,506 6,783 5,399 5,515 5,967 6,895
North Sea Nephrops 9,130 6,784 9,418 5,748 7,619 34,714 22,886 33,200 20,147 28,595
West of Scotland Nephrops 11,813 11,401 10,635 10,268 12,521 46,248 40,449 40,276 39,046 44,929
North Sea Saithe 5,487 7,224 5,170 5,167 4,997 5,977 6,191 4,653 4,636 5,307
West of Scotland Saithe 4,541 3,621 2,868 2,858 2,399 4,574 2,917 2,599 2,350 2,335
North Sea Tusk 60 70 51 41 36 58 51 36 31 30
West of Scotland Tusk 52 78 66 70 51 52 64 44 51 38
North Sea Whiting 8,717 9,752 8,614 7,848 7,228 9,259 9,739 9,569 8,371 7,931
West of Scotland Whiting 203 117 103 167 119 223 108 116 187 133
Blue Whiting 6,305 8,166 25,617 30,508 36,896 1,733 1,818 3,823 6,311 8,469
Edible Crabs 9,495 9,530 10,611 9,920 11,102 11,345 11,803 13,634 12,380 15,209
Lobsters 1,129 1,026 1,214 1,046 1,147 11,749 10,548 12,462 11,045 13,736
Scallops 17,150 17,577 16,443 16,042 15,340 31,437 31,887 32,792 33,087 36,980
Velvet Crabs 2,038 1,573 1,658 1,479 1,603 4,874 3,982 4,130 3,745 4,436

(1) Includes NS Herring (IVa & IVb) and NS Herring (IVc).

(2) Includes NS Mackerel (IVa) and NS Mackerel (IVb & IVc) but excludes Mackerel from the Shetland Box, allocated on West of Scotland.

(3) Figures for North Sea mackerel and West of Scotland mackerel have been extracted from FIN, whereas figures for all other stocks have been extracted from IFISH. See explanation in Annex 1.


Email: Valerie West

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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