Scottish sea fisheries statistics 2016

Annual National Statistics report on the quantity and value of landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels and landings into Scotland.

Table 2.9 Number of fishermen employed on Scottish registered vessels, by district: 2016

District Regularly Employed Irregularly Employed 1 Crofters Total
Aberdeen 84 26 - 110
Anstruther 93 65 - 158
Buckie 94 81 - 175
Eyemouth 203 22 - 225
Fraserburgh 615 165 - 780
Peterhead 346 36 - 382
Scrabster 96 34 - 130
Total East Coast 1,531 429 - 1,960
Orkney 199 93 - 292
Shetland 281 167 - 448
Stornoway 262 58 17 337
Total Islands 742 318 17 1,077
Ayr 410 56 - 466
Campbeltown 294 38 - 332
Kinlochbervie 34 6 - 40
Lochinver 243 4 - 247
Mallaig 94 6 - 100
Oban 197 40 - 237
Portree 96 25 34 155
Ullapool 193 16 - 209
Total West Coast 1,561 191 34 1,786
All districts 3,834 938 51 4,823

(1) Formerly referred to as part time


Email: Valerie West

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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