
Scottish sea fisheries statistics 2018

Tonnage and value of all landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels, all landings into Scotland, the rest of the UK and abroad, and the size and structure of the Scottish fishing fleet and employment on Scottish vessels.

Table 26. Tonnage and value of landings by Scottish vessels by main species and vessel length group 2018

Tonnage Value (£'000)
Overall vessel length group (metres) Overall vessel length group (metres)
<=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total <=10 >10-12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 over 40 Total
Cod 133 0 34 4,923 13,412 18 18,521 294 0 67 11,183 31,888 48 43,480
Haddock 10 0 69 7,858 21,109 2 29,048 15 0 66 9,985 32,487 2 42,556
Hake 0 0 2 761 6,027 3 6,793 0 0 2 1,496 12,622 5 14,125
Lemon sole 2 - 2 276 466 87 834 9 - 8 1,078 2,132 314 3,541
Ling 6 - 5 1,146 3,659 0 4,817 9 - 7 1,738 5,747 0 7,502
Megrims 0 0 7 1,260 1,250 0 2,516 0 0 26 3,849 3,555 0 7,430
Monkfish 9 0 34 5,651 7,076 13 12,783 22 0 101 18,805 19,712 35 38,675
Plaice 6 0 13 995 1,700 2,180 4,894 9 0 12 1,685 3,395 4,994 10,097
Saithe 29 0 5 2,294 8,183 14 10,526 20 0 5 1,860 6,613 20 8,518
Whiting 1 - 21 3,752 5,284 6 9,064 1 - 19 4,367 7,318 3 11,708
Wrasses 34 3 0 0 - 0 37 2,739 319 8 0 - 0 3,067
Other demersal 21 2 29 2,242 3,260 2,164 7,718 105 2 48 3,344 5,411 1,687 10,596
Total demersal 251 5 222 31,158 71,428 4,488 107,551 3,225 322 367 59,392 130,880 7,107 201,293
Blue whiting - - - - - 66,494 66,494 - - - - - 13,248 13,248
Herring - - 0 16 2,074 62,532 64,622 - - 0 10 767 23,600 24,377
Mackerel 1,079 - 0 35 3,242 148,645 153,000 1,408 - 0 42 3,532 158,717 163,699
Other pelagic 1 - - 0 371 319 691 0 - - 0 90 331 421
Total pelagic 1,080 - 0 51 5,687 277,989 284,807 1,409 - 0 52 4,388 195,896 201,745
Edible crabs 4,610 2,053 441 2,725 244 22 10,095 12,137 5,365 1,116 6,426 663 15 25,722
Lobsters 956 209 36 9 2 0 1,213 14,606 3,216 564 144 45 1 18,575
Nephrops 2,069 1,273 1,948 12,236 649 4 18,178 10,283 5,619 5,896 38,700 2,102 26 62,627
Queen scallops 11 6 15 1,725 14 0 1,770 35 3 88 2,149 18 0 2,294
Razor fish 321 206 27 - - - 553 2,578 1,650 211 - - - 4,438
Scallops 1,052 417 1,649 5,480 5,581 1,206 15,384 2,530 917 4,091 14,297 13,184 2,942 37,962
Squid 289 10 207 1,022 1,259 19 2,806 985 29 827 4,549 5,180 142 11,712
Velvet crabs 1,047 125 6 - - - 1,177 3,974 488 23 - - - 4,485
Whelks 942 522 44 316 0 1 1,825 1,082 607 58 440 0 1 2,187
Other shellfish 105 20 1 90 25 0 241 196 18 1 284 52 0 552
Total shellfish 11,401 4,840 4,374 23,604 7,772 1,252 53,243 48,406 17,912 12,875 66,990 21,244 3,128 170,556
Total landings 12,732 4,846 4,596 54,812 84,887 283,728 445,602 53,039 18,234 13,243 126,435 156,513 206,131 573,594

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed by Scottish vessels was £2m or over in 2018



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