
Scottish sea fisheries statistics 2018

Tonnage and value of all landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels, all landings into Scotland, the rest of the UK and abroad, and the size and structure of the Scottish fishing fleet and employment on Scottish vessels.

Table 36. Number, tonnage and engine power of active Scottish registered vessels by length group and age group as at 31st December 2018

Age Group (years) Length group (metres)
10m & under >10 -12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 Over 40 Total
Number of vessels Under 10 137 7 4 21 10 4 183
10<15 107 4 7 15 4 6 143
15<20 111 2 4 22 10 4 153
20<25 87 4 5 9 10 3 118
25<30 183 26 6 21 12 - 248
30<35 147 19 12 30 19 1 228
35 yrs & over 297 53 23 82 16 2 473
Not known 470 25 9 18 16 5 543
Totals 1,539 140 70 218 97 25 2,089
Average age1 27 34 31 31 27 17 28
Total tonnage2 (GT) Under 10 386 70 110 4,091 3,204 14,132 21,993
10<15 341 53 186 2,230 2,026 13,509 18,345
15<20 480 29 128 3,873 3,462 7,587 15,558
20<25 374 61 90 1,214 3,426 3,307 8,472
25<30 713 379 138 2,772 2,860 - 6,863
30<35 506 243 276 3,925 4,611 477 10,039
35 yrs & over 1,211 640 460 5,156 3,041 804 11,312
Not known 1,375 279 209 2,043 4,494 10,693 19,092
Totals 5,385 1,754 1,598 25,305 27,124 50,509 111,675
Average tonnage1 4 13 23 116 279 1,991 60
Engine power (kW) Under 10 9,765 1,419 1,126 9,812 6,249 25,260 53,631
10<15 7,438 855 2,087 6,172 5,402 33,686 55,639
15<20 8,370 263 747 10,640 8,127 17,769 45,917
20<25 7,287 684 825 3,448 6,650 8,262 27,155
25<30 10,272 4,198 1,215 7,615 6,703 - 30,004
30<35 6,631 2,477 2,122 10,565 10,580 1,790 34,164
35 yrs & over 13,029 4,755 3,541 19,237 8,592 1,455 50,610
Not known 23,266 4,705 1,427 5,313 9,828 20,355 64,894
Totals 86,059 19,356 13,091 72,801 62,131 108,577 362,014
Average power1 59 127 191 337 646 4,411 192

(1) Excludes vessels of unknown age.



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