
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2020

National Statistics publication that provides data on the tonnage and value of all landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels, all landings into Scotland, the rest of the UK and abroad, and the size and structure of the Scottish fishing fleet and employment on Scottish vessels.

Table 1: Tonnage and value of landings by Scottish vessels into Scotland by main species, 2016 to 2020


  Tonnage Value (£'000)
Species 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Bass 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 3
Blue ling 287 652 741 723 726 327 639 676 699 659
Brill 5 5 7 7 5 22 25 38 41 31
Cod 12,841 14,485 18,265 14,478 8,323 26,896 33,500 42,817 40,615 23,783
Haddock 27,929 27,705 28,714 26,953 23,334 37,141 41,804 42,092 41,100 32,392
Hake 6,158 6,751 6,103 5,125 4,052 14,153 14,291 12,795 11,517 6,266
Lemon sole 734 632 689 781 674 2,764 2,739 2,998 3,201 2,158
Ling 4,010 4,449 4,764 4,802 4,193 5,829 7,418 7,422 7,567 5,289
Megrim 1,941 1,814 2,340 2,305 2,638 5,368 5,336 6,950 6,753 8,197
Monkfish 11,323 11,805 11,779 9,617 10,505 32,168 34,406 37,376 31,541 28,468
Mullet 5 10 4 1 2 6 15 15 1 2
Plaice 1,948 1,895 2,153 1,543 1,491 1,944 2,320 3,720 2,589 2,049
Pollack 316 392 409 442 471 774 1,059 1,213 1,414 1,261
Saithe 7,687 8,220 10,349 9,607 7,661 7,846 8,134 8,305 9,585 7,363
Skates and rays 564 554 776 723 573 560 582 731 594 466
Sole 2 2 3 4 2 12 15 23 32 9
Turbot 46 52 78 70 55 392 446 770 692 437
Whiting 7,272 7,439 8,947 9,692 9,905 8,010 9,724 11,601 12,604 12,437
Wrasses 48 39 49 92 70 3,147 1,055 3,130 5,739 5,762
Other demersal 2,769 2,519 3,478 3,860 5,564 4,024 3,896 4,439 4,799 4,800
Total demersal 85,885 89,419 99,648 90,825 80,243 151,385 167,408 187,114 181,085 141,832
Blue whiting 11,908 13,117 19,965 9,283 12,888 2,352 1,588 3,618 1,740 2,666
Herring 33,092 34,886 38,138 26,239 27,596 21,664 14,234 13,882 13,536 14,691
Horse mackerel 6 5 161 484 321 3 2 204 291 296
Mackerel 96,093 84,806 75,021 56,177 78,099 82,155 76,864 78,293 69,611 81,693
Other pelagic 2,179 1,362 2 1,267 782 503 303 1 338 235
Total pelagic 143,279 134,176 133,285 93,450 119,687 106,677 92,991 95,999 85,516 99,581
Brown shrimps 0 2 1 1 3 5 44 31 18 30
Cockles 0       0 0       0
Cuttlefish 1 17 1 0 1 1 60 1 0 1
Edible crabs 10,806 10,578 9,165 8,928 5,845 14,837 18,254 22,859 21,184 11,193
Lobsters 1,139 1,212 1,212 1,229 1,076 13,651 16,265 17,242 17,567 14,029
Nephrops 18,768 19,932 16,978 22,416 15,171 69,317 73,192 64,061 79,943 44,964
Razor fish 373 490 553 749 411 1,848 2,769 4,584 6,030 3,174
Scallops 11,375 8,433 7,147 6,007 5,787 27,763 22,551 20,111 15,545 12,364
Squid 1,635 2,797 2,488 3,121 1,956 6,280 10,430 10,904 13,731 7,100
Velvet crabs 1,603 1,601 1,187 1,632 1,560 4,450 5,065 4,166 4,502 3,955
Whelks 1,864 1,717 1,475 1,382 1,292 1,683 1,760 1,672 1,642 1,408
Other shellfish 4,020 1,879 1,374 1,605 1,089 3,455 2,266 1,813 1,971 736
Total shellfish 51,586 48,657 41,580 47,070 34,192 143,288 152,655 147,445 162,133 98,952
Total landings 280,749 272,252 274,513 231,344 234,122 401,349 413,053 430,557 428,734 340,366

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2020.



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