
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2020

National Statistics publication that provides data on the tonnage and value of all landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels, all landings into Scotland, the rest of the UK and abroad, and the size and structure of the Scottish fishing fleet and employment on Scottish vessels.

Table 11: Tonnage and value of landings by all UK vessels into Scotland by main species1, 2016 to 2020

  Tonnage Value (£'000)
Species 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Bass 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 3
Blue ling 287 652 741 723 726 328 639 676 699 659
Brill 5 6 8 7 5 24 29 42 44 31
Cod 16,480 18,093 21,672 16,879 10,315 34,217 41,728 50,584 47,181 29,517
Haddock 31,595 31,504 32,618 31,203 27,165 41,696 47,348 47,395 47,068 37,295
Hake 9,900 10,840 9,290 7,921 5,904 23,688 23,103 20,076 18,362 10,017
Lemon sole 801 702 765 868 748 3,011 3,040 3,342 3,565 2,404
Ling 4,643 5,124 5,447 5,616 4,752 6,697 8,447 8,445 8,833 6,106
Megrim 2,057 1,909 2,425 2,386 2,705 5,650 5,578 7,079 6,854 8,272
Monkfish 12,512 12,921 12,726 10,851 11,688 35,760 36,607 40,078 34,641 30,964
Mullet 5 10 4 1 2 7 16 15 1 2
Plaice 2,193 2,106 2,376 1,724 1,609 2,182 2,583 4,090 2,896 2,218
Pollack 407 476 506 568 585 960 1,276 1,493 1,756 1,502
Saithe 9,838 9,906 13,289 12,685 10,456 10,202 9,771 10,661 12,748 10,340
Skates and rays 603 587 811 766 589 621 602 767 618 473
Sole 2 3 4 4 2 13 21 30 35 11
Turbot 52 58 83 78 60 437 490 815 749 470
Whiting 8,751 8,671 10,374 11,517 12,130 9,709 11,336 13,535 15,164 15,176
Wrasses 49 40 50 92 70 3,185 1,075 3,165 5,783 5,799
Other demersal 2,922 2,693 3,729 4,109 5,740 4,334 4,264 4,900 5,273 5,214
Total demersal 103,103 106,302 116,918 107,997 95,250 182,723 197,953 217,192 212,270 166,474
Blue whiting 11,908 13,117 19,986 9,283 12,888 2,352 1,588 3,623 1,740 2,666
Herring 33,112 37,371 42,945 29,823 30,530 21,665 15,242 15,728 15,392 16,333
Horse mackerel 6 5 207 488 321 3 2 232 291 296
Mackerel 99,239 88,466 77,806 58,930 80,986 85,324 79,966 81,440 73,034 84,706
Other pelagic 2,179 1,362 3 1,267 782 503 303 1 338 235
Total pelagic 146,444 140,320 140,947 99,790 125,508 109,847 97,101 101,023 90,795 104,236
Brown shrimps 0 2 1 1 3 5 44 31 18 30
Cockles 0 2   2 0 0 1   1 0
Cuttlefish 1 20 1 0 1 1 60 1 0 1
Edible crabs 12,142 11,821 10,372 10,149 6,681 17,163 20,502 26,076 24,387 12,893
Lobsters 1,143 1,219 1,216 1,241 1,086 13,698 16,361 17,310 17,741 14,151
Nephrops 19,970 20,701 17,695 23,298 15,932 72,569 75,378 66,047 82,557 46,732
Razor fish 462 803 647 881 499 2,301 4,589 5,472 7,093 3,840
Scallops 12,365 9,077 7,579 6,623 6,214 30,124 24,324 21,458 17,045 13,237
Squid 1,682 2,878 2,564 3,204 2,025 6,458 10,661 11,032 13,901 7,219
Velvet crabs 1,607 1,607 1,188 1,634 1,563 4,462 5,085 4,171 4,508 3,961
Whelks 1,909 1,829 1,541 1,420 1,347 1,723 1,875 1,747 1,690 1,467
Other shellfish 4,062 1,970 1,392 1,613 1,090 3,499 2,371 1,842 1,981 736
Total shellfish 55,342 51,928 44,196 50,067 36,441 152,002 161,251 155,188 170,922 104,266
Total landings 304,889 298,550 302,061 257,855 257,199 444,572 456,305 473,403 473,988 374,976

(1) Main species are those where the total value landed into the UK or by UK vessels abroad was £2m or more in 2020.



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