
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2020

National Statistics publication that provides data on the tonnage and value of all landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels, all landings into Scotland, the rest of the UK and abroad, and the size and structure of the Scottish fishing fleet and employment on Scottish vessels.

Table 34: Tonnage and value of landings of key commercial stocks by Scottish vessels3, 2016 to 2020

  Tonnage Value (£'000)
Stock 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Atlanto Scandian Herring 3,900 4,358 2,582 1,801 1,979 2,434 2,314 1,038 437 1,068
North Sea Herring1 59,220 49,515 60,833 47,446 46,742 39,681 20,686 22,963 25,540 26,078
West of Scotland Herring 2,423 2,550 1,207 186 7 1,444 776 376 72 0
North Sea Mackerel2 635 869 854 841 984 674 1,264 1,123 1,166 1,038
West of Scotland Mackerel 185,971 177,776 151,910 126,789 169,760 165,859 159,387 162,330 156,964 179,855
North Sea Blue Ling 7 8 4 4 10 10 8 5 4 10
West of Scotland Blue Ling 275 643 737 718 715 310 631 672 695 650
North Sea Cod 12,321 14,148 17,659 13,052 7,020 25,902 32,673 41,395 36,531 20,260
West of Scotland Cod (VIa) 174 189 203 1,196 702 349 412 484 3,475 1,874
Rockall Cod (VIb) 33 36 49 51 25 73 83 115 152 70
North Sea Haddock 22,540 21,534 21,858 17,617 16,609 29,642 32,090 31,933 26,635 22,830
West of Scotland Haddock (VIa) 3,078 2,434 3,315 2,664 2,075 4,202 3,451 4,771 3,938 2,958
Rockall Haddock (VIb) 2,160 3,887 3,451 6,533 4,560 2,964 6,404 5,170 10,254 6,392
North Sea Hake 2,927 3,805 3,527 3,331 2,503 6,745 8,285 7,653 7,572 4,329
West of Scotland Hake 3,834 2,994 1,910 1,385 1,166 9,804 6,316 4,051 3,084 1,222
North Sea Ling 2,044 2,336 2,705 2,603 2,456 2,952 3,708 4,174 4,050 3,272
West of Scotland Ling 2,130 2,194 1,970 2,168 1,668 3,076 3,825 3,115 3,451 1,946
North Sea Megrim 1,196 1,106 1,456 1,246 1,691 3,672 3,477 4,739 4,118 5,864
West of Scotland Megrim 750 723 906 1,068 951 1,725 1,893 2,263 2,647 2,346
North Sea Monkfish 8,490 9,026 8,835 6,285 7,181 24,096 25,744 27,601 20,361 19,078
West of Scotland Monkfish 2,506 2,690 3,089 3,558 3,518 6,892 8,239 9,648 11,762 9,544
North Sea Nephrops 7,620 10,395 9,267 15,497 9,726 28,595 35,966 29,882 47,486 22,911
West of Scotland Nephrops 12,524 10,478 8,140 8,026 6,115 44,960 40,218 35,531 36,060 23,764
North Sea Saithe 4,997 5,781 7,943 7,003 5,518 5,307 5,782 6,467 7,130 5,760
West of Scotland Saithe 2,399 2,353 2,373 2,639 2,069 2,335 2,307 1,888 2,594 1,864
North Sea Tusk 36 33 44 41 63 30 25 39 36 39
West of Scotland Tusk 51 68 91 91 85 38 48 63 72 49
North Sea Whiting 7,228 7,389 8,855 9,470 9,567 7,931 9,627 11,440 12,267 11,993
West of Scotland Whiting 119 121 137 285 395 133 158 189 384 500
Blue Whiting 36,896 62,984 66,494 53,831 41,174 8,469 10,722 13,248 9,868 9,036
Edible Crabs 11,102 11,413 10,091 11,003 8,117 15,209 19,736 24,994 24,880 14,609
Lobsters 1,148 1,218 1,215 1,235 1,082 13,749 16,337 17,286 17,661 14,095
Scallops 15,340 15,746 15,386 15,069 14,579 36,981 40,236 39,315 35,858 27,168
Velvet Crabs 1,603 1,601 1,187 1,632 1,562 4,450 5,066 4,166 4,502 3,960

(1) Includes NS Herring (IVa and IVb) and NS Herring (IVc).

(2) Includes NS Mackerel (IVa) and NS Mackerel (IVb and IVc) but excludes Mackerel from the Shetland Box, allocated on West of Scotland.

(3) Figures presented in this table include Scottish vessels that do not belong to a Scottish fish Producer Organisation (PO). Scottish vessels can belong to a predominantly English PO and vice-versa.



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