Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2020

National Statistics publication that provides data on the tonnage and value of all landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels, all landings into Scotland, the rest of the UK and abroad, and the size and structure of the Scottish fishing fleet and employment on Scottish vessels.

Table 35b: Tonnage of active1 Scottish registered vessels by length group, as at 31st December 2011 to 2020

  Length group (metres) Total Over 10m
Year 10m & under >10 -12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 Over 40 Total tonnage Average tonnage
2011 5,243 1,995 1,817 26,204 31,842 48,564 115,665 110,422 177.0
2012 5,145 1,875 1,660 25,952 29,288 50,052 113,972 108,827 182.0
2013 5,100 1,883 1,612 26,637 27,033 49,608 111,872 106,772 180.5
2014 5,147 1,895 1,549 26,675 25,864 44,761 105,891 100,744 172.8
2015 5,147 1,838 1,529 25,706 25,664 42,922 102,806 97,659 172.5
2016 5,203 1,798 1,646 25,718 26,481 43,541 104,386 99,183 174.3
2017 5,273 1,758 1,655 25,702 26,801 47,743 108,932 103,659 181.1
2018 5,385 1,754 1,598 25,305 27,124 50,509 111,675 106,290 193.3
2019 5,463 1,703 1,603 25,527 26,360 51,168 111,824 106,361 197.3
2020 5,413 1,673 1,587 25,156 27,709 56,440 117,977 112,565 211.6

(1) An active vessel is a fishing vessel that is registered (Register of Shipping and Seamen) and licenced to fish: see the glossary.



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