Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2022

A National Statistics publication that provides detailed information on the tonnage and value of landings, fishing vessel characteristics and employment. Detailed supplementary excel tables and a pdf version of the publication are available in supporting documents.

1 Introduction

Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics is a National Statistics publication produced by the statistics team within the Scottish Government Marine Directorate to provide detailed information on the Scottish fishing industry. The statistics presented in this publication include the:

  • Tonnage and value of all landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels.
  • All landings by any nationality of vessel into Scotland and the rest of the UK.
  • Landings by UK vessels abroad.
  • The size and characteristics of Scottish fishing vessels.
  • Employment on Scottish vessels.

All landing tonnages are given in terms of live weight equivalent. Overall financial values in the publication text are provided in real terms (adjusted for inflation to 2022 prices). Most of the financial values in the supplementary tables are provided in nominal terms (not adjusted for inflation). Year on year percentage changes in financial values are calculated at 2022 prices to adjust for inflation.

A National Statistics Publication for Scotland

The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007. This provides assurance that these statistics are of the highest quality and meet user needs, and that they comply with the Code of Practice for Statistics.

Further information on National Statistics is published by the UK Statistics Authority.



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