Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2022

A National Statistics publication that provides detailed information on the tonnage and value of landings, fishing vessel characteristics and employment. Detailed supplementary excel tables and a pdf version of the publication are available in supporting documents.

3 Landings into Scotland

In 2022, 289 thousand tonnes of sea fish and shellfish with a value of £480 million were landed into Scotland. This represents a two per cent increase in tonnage and a four per cent increase in real terms value from 2021.

Pelagic species accounted for 50 per cent of the tonnage landed into Scotland whilst demersal species made up 36 per cent and shellfish species 14 per cent. By value, 41 per cent of landings into Scotland were demersal species, 31 per cent were shellfish and 28 per cent were pelagic species. The differences in shares by tonnage and value reflect the differences in average prices per tonne (for landings by Scottish vessels) across the species types: shellfish sell at relatively higher average prices per tonne, whilst pelagic species receive the lowest average prices per tonne (Table 26).

Figures 1 and 2 show landings by all vessels into the eighteen Scottish port districts. The top three districts in Scotland by total tonnage landed were Peterhead (east coast), Shetland (northern island) and Scrabster (north-east coast). Peterhead is the single largest fishing port in the UK by tonnage and value of landing. Information on landings into all the Scottish districts can be found in table 32.

Figure 2. Peterhead on the east coast of Scotland had the largest tonnage of landings, at 155 thousand tonnes in 2022.

Tonnage landed into Scotland by all vessels by district in 2022

A map showing the tonnage of fish landed into Scotland by all vessels by district in 2022. The map shows that the district with the largest tonnage of fish landed into was Peterhead with 154,883 tonnes landed.

Figure 3. Peterhead on the east coast of Scotland had the largest value of landings, at £191 million in 2022.

Value (thousands of pounds) landed into Scotland by all vessels by district in 2022.

A map showing the value of fish landed into Scotland by all vessels by district in 2022. The map shows that the district with the highest value of fish landed into was Peterhead with 191 million pounds worth landed.



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