
Scottish seabird conservation - action plan: consultation

We are seeking your views on the Scottish seabird conservation action plan. This sets out a series of proposed priority actions for building seabird resilience and focusing collaborative seabird conservation action.


We are expecting the action plan to focus funding from a wide range of sources and provide confidence to funders that they are supporting priority actions for Scotland’s seabirds.

To catalyse action at scale to protect and restore Scotland’s biodiversity, the Nature Restoration Fund (NRF), Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund (SMEEF) and Crown Estate Scotland’s Sustainable Communities Fund offer opportunities for financial support to aid implementation.

Delivery of the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy would also see the creation of a Biodiversity Investment Plan. This will set out the Scottish Governments’ assessment of the investment required to deliver a nature positive future and the actions needed to mobilise public, private and philanthropic finance.

The Energy Act 2023 also provides powers for enabling the reform of the offshore marine energy compensatory process to enable greater flexibility in the range of compensatory measures available and ability to establish one or more Marine Recovery Funds to drive delivery of measures. This fund will support compensatory measures projects for seabird species.



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