Scottish seabird conservation - action plan: consultation
We are seeking your views on the Scottish seabird conservation action plan. This sets out a series of proposed priority actions for building seabird resilience and focusing collaborative seabird conservation action.
Annex A: Glossary
A guide to terms and acronyms used across the document
- BoCC - Birds of Conservation Concern
- BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
- Bycatch - Incidental non-target species caught in commercial fishing gear.
- GES - Good Environmental Status
- HPAI - Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
- INNS - Invasive Non-Native Species
- JNCC - Joint Nature Conservation Committee
- MPA - Area of sea protected by legislation.
- MPA - Marine Protected Area
- NEAES - OSPAR North-East Atlantic Environment Strategy
- NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation
- NRF - Nature Restoration Fund
- OSPAR - The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic.
- RSPB - The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
- SMA - Scotland's Marine Assessment
- SMEEF - Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund
- SMP - Seabird Monitoring Programme (UK)
- SSSI - Site of Special Scientific Interest
- UAV - Unmanned Automatic Vehicle
- UNCLOS - United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
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