
Scottish seabird conservation - action plan: consultation

We are seeking your views on the Scottish seabird conservation action plan. This sets out a series of proposed priority actions for building seabird resilience and focusing collaborative seabird conservation action.


The action plan aims to deliver the vision through partnership delivery of ambitious, effective and adaptive actions to address existing pressures and emerging threats in our seas and coasts, supported by underpinning research, raising awareness and international collaboration.

It is designed to assist with prioritising programmes of work and identifying resources that could be used to implement action whilst ensuring management actions are integrated and remain focused on the long-term persistence of seabird populations and their habitats. The actions are measurable, achievable and fit for the challenges we face now, and in the future, not least in the context of a changing climate.

The UK Government and other devolved administrations are also working on seabird conservation plans, or equivalents, for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Together, their implementation will help assist the UK in working towards achieving and maintaining GES.



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