Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Survey 2022

This report is based on the returns of an annual survey questionnaire sent to all active authorised shellfish farming businesses in Scotland. Statistics on employment, production and value of shellfish from Scottish shellfish farms are presented.

Appendix 2

Map of Scottish marine regions
This is a map showing each of the Scottish Marine regions. The map is split into 11 areas around the coastline: Shetland isles, Orkney Isles, North Coast, Moray Firth, West Highlands, North East, Forth and Tay, Argyll, Clyde and Solway.
Mussel Production by Scottish Marine Region (Tonnage and value)
  2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Scottish Marine Region Tonnage Value £ Tonnage Value £ Tonnage Value £ Tonnage Value £ Tonnage Value £ Tonnage Value £ Tonnage Value £ Tonnage Value £ Tonnage Value £ Tonnage Value £
Argyll & Clyde 770 1,098,790 755 1,055,490 491 688,873 615 914,505 631 866,994 442 554,268 363 361,548 425 399,925 497 452,270 501 475,950
Outer Hebrides 528 753,456 411 574,578 718 1,007,354 727 1,081,049 396 544,104 555 695,970 544 541,824 282 265,362 389 353,990 720 684,000
Shetland Isles 4,337 6,188,899 5,919 8,274,762 5,565 7,807,695 5,686 8,455,082 6,647 9,132,978 5,160 6,470,640 5,324 5,302,704 4,427 4,165,807 6,850 6,233,500 7,164 6,805,800
West Highlands, Moray Firth & North Coast 1,122 1,601,094 598 836,004 496 695,888 704 1,046,848 558 766,692 717 899,118 468 466,128 527 495,907 854 777,140 707 671,650
Total 6,757 9,642,239 7,683 10,740,834 7,270 10,199,810 7,732 11,497,484 8,232 11,310,768 6,874 8,619,996 6,699 6,672,204 5,661 5,327,001 8,590 7,816,900 9,092 8,637,400

Footnote – Figures for Argyll & Clyde and the West Highlands, Moray Firth & the North Coast have been merged due to commercial confidentiality. Average prices (real) have been adjusted for inflation based on 2022 price estimates.

Mussel Production by Scottish Marine Region
Line graph showing data of mussel production levels in tonnes from 2013 through to 2022. The data is split into the Scottish Marine Regions described in the map above.
Mussel Production Value (£) by Scottish Marine Region
Line graph showing the value of mussels production for the years 2013 through to 2022. The data is split into the Scottish Marine Regions described in the map above.
Pacific Oyster Production by Scottish Marine Region (Number of Shells and Value)
  2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Scottish Marine Region No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £
Argyll 1,172 457,080 1,549 588,620 1,884 847,800 1,774 798,300 2,857 1,285,650 1,672 685,520 2,274 841,380 1,002 350,700 1,929 713,730 1,639 671,990
Clyde 331 129,090 404 153,520 249 112,050 369 166,050 229 103,050 304 124,640 162 59,940 140 49,000 416 153,920 341 139,810
Orkney Islands & Shetland Isles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 700 28 10,360 4 1,640
Outer Hebrides 19 7,410 26 9,880 4 1,800 70 31,500 149 67,050 268 109,880 411 152,070 85 29,750 383 141,710 286 117,260
West Highlands & North Coast 369 143,910 1,413 536,940 556 250,200 1,321 594,450 1,799 809,550 1,787 732,670 1,546 572,020 1,634 571,900 2,097 775,890 1,817 744,970
Total 1,891 737,490 3,392 1,288,960 2,693 1,211,850 3,534 1,590,300 5,034 2,265,300 4,031 1,652,710 4,393 1,625,410 2,863 1,002,050 4,853 1,795,610 4,087 1,675,670

Footnote – Figures for West Highlands & the North Coast and Orkney Islands & Shetland Isles, have been merged due to commercial confidentiality. Average prices (real) have been adjusted for inflation based on 2022 price estimates.

Pacific Oyster Production by Scottish Marine Region
Line graph showing data of Pacific oyster production by number of shells (thousands) from 2013 through to 2022. The data is split into the Scottish Marine Regions described in the map above.
Pacific Oyster Production Value (£) by Scottish Marine Region
Line graph showing the value of Pacific oyster production for the years 2013 through to 2022. The data is split into the Scottish Marine Regions described in the map above.
Other Scottish Shellfish Production (Number of Shells and Value)
  2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Scottish Marine Region No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £ No. of
Value £
Native Oysters 260 184,600 242 169,400 200 138,000 201 138,690 200 134,000 142 93,720 103 66,950 35 22,050 8 4,800 109 54,500
Queen Scallops 33 5,940 18 3,060 33 4,290 155 21,700 273 35,490 18 2,520 18 2,520 0.5 70 0.5 65 0.6 78
Scallops 40 61,200 48 72,000 30 65,400 35 81,200 47 96,820 31 62,620 26 51,740 19 46,550 27 61,830 39 69,810
All Scotland 333 251,740 308 244,460 263 207,690 391 241,590 520 266,310 191 158,860 147 121,210 95 68,670 36 66,695 149 124,388

Footnote – Other shellfish species including native oyster (Argyll & Solway), queen scallop (Clyde & West Highlands) and scallop (Argyll & West Highlands) were also produced however these figures cannot be attributed to Scottish Marine Regions due to commercial confidentiality. Average prices (real) have been adjusted for inflation based on 2022 price estimates.

Other Scottish Shellfish Production
Line graph showing data for native oyster, scallop and queen scallop production by number of shells (thousands) data from 2013 through to 2022 for the whole of Scotland.
Other Scottish Shellfish Production Value (£)
Line graph showing the value of native oyster, scallop and queen scallop production for the years 2013 through to 2022 for the whole of Scotland.



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