Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Survey 2023

This report is based on the returns of an annual survey questionnaire sent to all active authorised shellfish farming businesses in Scotland. Statistics on employment, production and value of shellfish from Scottish shellfish farms are presented.


The shellfish farming sector employed 114 full-time and 132 part-time and casual workers during 2023. The number of full-time and casual staff decreased in 2023, while the number of part-time and casual female staff increased. The regional breakdown of employment is given in charts 13 and 14. The total number of people employed by the shellfish farming sector in Scotland decreased by 4% from the 2022 total of 255 to 246.

Chart 12 Number of staff employed in shellfish production in all Scotland.

Number of staff.
Chart 12 histogram showing number of staff employed in shellfish production in all Scotland. Number of staff shown on y-axis (0-120). Staff types are shown on x-axis and consist of casual female, casual male, full-time female, full-time male, part-time female and part-time male. Values for this chart are available in supplementary data - Table 6.

Data Source: Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Survey 2023, Supplementary Tables, Table 6.

Chart 13 Number of female staff employed in each Scottish region.

Number of staff.
Chart 13 histogram showing number of female staff employed in shellfish production in each Scottish region. Number of staff shown on y-axis (0-12). Regions and staff types are shown on x-axis and consist of casual female (dark blue), full-time female (turquoise), and part-time female (dark red). Regions shown: Highland, Orkney, Shetland, Strathclyde and Western Isles. Values for this chart are available in supplementary data - Table 7.

Data Source: Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Survey 2023, Supplementary Tables, Table 7

Chart 14 Number of male staff employed in each Scottish region

Number of staff.
Chart 14: histogram showing number of male staff employed in shellfish production in each Scottish region. Number of staff shown on y-axis (0-50). Regions and staff types are shown on x-axis and consist of casual male (dark blue), full-time male (turquoise), and part-time male (dark red). Regions shown: Highland, Orkney, Shetland, Strathclyde and Western Isles. Values for this chart are available in supplementary data - Table 7.

Data Source: Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Survey 2023, Supplementary Tables, Table 7



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