Scottish Social Attitudes 2015: attitudes to discrimination and positive action

This report explores attitudes to discrimination and positive action in Scotland in relation to: age, disability, gender, race, religion, gender reassignment and sexual orientation.

Annex A - Detailed tables

Notes on tables

  • '*' indicates less than 0.5 percent but greater than zero
  • '-' indicates no respondents gave this answer
  • All figures are rounded to the nearest whole number

Chapter 2 detailed tables

Table A2.1: (How much do you agree or disagree) People from outside Britain who come to live in Scotland make the country a better place?

2006 2010 2015
Agree strongly 3% 5% 8%
Agree 31% 28% 32%
Neither agree nor disagree 40% 41% 38%
Disagree 22% 22% 17%
Disagree strongly 3% 4% 3%
(Don't know) 1% 1% 1%
(Not answered) - * -
Bases 1594 1495 1288

Table A2.2: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Scotland would begin to lose its identity if more Muslims came to live in Scotland?

2002 2006 2010 2015
Agree strongly 9% 14% 18% 13%
Agree 29% 35% 32% 28%
Neither agree nor disagree 17% 19% 20% 19%
Disagree 36% 27% 25% 27%
Disagree strongly 5% 4% 5% 12%
(Don't know) 3% 1% 1% 1%
(Not answered) * * * *
Bases 1508 1594 1495 1288

Table A2.3: (How much do you agree or disagree)

Scotland would begin to lose its identity if more people from Eastern Europe (for example, Poland and Latvia) came to live in Scotland?

2006 2010 2015
Agree strongly 11% 15% 11%
Agree 34% 31% 27%
Neither agree nor disagree 20% 20% 19%
Disagree 30% 27% 30%
Disagree strongly 4% 6% 11%
(Don't know) 1% 1% 1%
(Not answered) - * *
Bases 1594 1495 1288

Table A2.4: (How much do you agree or disagree)

Scotland would begin to lose its identity if more black and Asian people came to live in Scotland?

2006 2010 2015
Agree strongly 11% 14% 10%
Agree 35% 31% 24%
Neither agree nor disagree 18% 22% 22%
Disagree 31% 27% 31%
Disagree strongly 4% 5% 12%
(Don't know) 1% 1% 1%
(Not answered) - * *
Bases 1594 1495 1288

Table A2.5: People from ethnic minorities take jobs away from other people in Scotland

2002 2006 2010 2015
Agree strongly 5% 7% 11% 9%
Agree 15% 20% 20% 18%
Neither agree nor disagree 32% 32% 30% 25%
Disagree 34% 30% 24% 28%
Disagree strongly 9% 7% 13% 20%
Can't choose 4% 2% 1% 1%
(Not answered) 1% 2% 1% *
Weighted bases 1518 1423 1350 1232
Unweighted bases 1507 1437 1366 1234

Table A2.6: People who come here from Eastern Europe take jobs away from other people in Scotland

2006 2010 2015
Agree strongly 7% 13% 10%
Agree 24% 24% 20%
Neither agree nor disagree 28% 27% 21%
Disagree 28% 22% 30%
Disagree strongly 8% 12% 18%
Can't choose 2% 1% 1%
(Not answered) 3% 1% *
Weighted bases 1423 1350 1232
Unweighted bases 1437 1366 1234

Table A2.7: Sexual relations between two adults of the same sex (column %)

  2000 2004 2005 2010 2015
Always wrong 39% 30% 30% 20% 9%
Mostly wrong 9% 11% 10% 8% 9%
Sometimes wrong 8% 8% 10% 9% 8%
Rarely wrong 8% 7% 9% 8% 10%
Not wrong at all 29% 37% 35% 50% 59%
(Depends/varies) 4% 3% 3% 3% 2%
Don't know 2% 3% 3% 2% 2%
Not answered * * * 1% 1%
Weighted bases 1663 1637 1549 1495 1288
Unweighted bases 1663 1637 1549 1495 1288

Base: All respondents

Chapter 3 detailed tables

Table A3.1: Feelings if close relative married or formed a long-term relationship with …

2015 2015 2015
YEAR Very happy/ happy Neither Unhappy/very unhappy Sample size
Someone who cross-dresses in public 2010 19% 24% 55% 1495
2015 32% 28% 39% 1288
Someone who has undergone gender reassignment 2006 20% 27% 50% 1594
2010 22% 26% 49% 1495
2015 36% 31% 32% 1288
A Gypsy/Traveller 2006 31% 28% 37% 1594
2010 32% 28% 37% 1495
2015 37% 30% 32% 1288
A Muslim 2006 49% 26% 24% 1594
2010 47% 29% 23% 1477
2015 49% 29% 20% 1275
Someone who experiences depression from time to time 2010 41% 35% 21% 1495
2015 45% 34% 19% 1288
Married/civil partnership with someone of same sex 2006 37% 28% 33% 1594
2010 37% 31% 30% 1495
2015 52% 30% 16% 1288
Someone who is Black/Asian 2006 58% 29% 11% 1594
2010 58% 31% 9% 1495
2015 62% 31% 5% 1288
Someone who is Jewish 2006 55% 33% 10% 1594
2010 54% 35% 9% 1495
2015 57% 35% 6% 1287
A Christian 2010 66 31 2 725
2015 68 31 * 700

Chapter 4 detailed tables

Table A4.1: Suited to being a primary school teacher (2006-2015) [51]

YEAR Very/ fairly suitable Neither Very/ fairly un-suitable Sample size
A Gypsy/Traveller 2006 20% 23% 48% 1437
2010 25% 23% 46% 1366
2015 36% 26% 34% 1232
Someone aged 70 2006 24% 20% 49% 1437
2010 30% 26% 39% 1366
2015 40% 27% 31% 1232
Someone who from time to time experiences depression 2006 21% 21% 51% 1437
2010 30% 24% 41% 1366
2015 40% 28% 29% 1232
Someone who has undergone gender reassignment 2006 32% 28% 30% 1437
2010 37% 24% 31% 1366
2015 46% 28% 20% 1232
Gay men and lesbians 2006 48% 23% 21% 1437
2010 56% 20% 18% 1366
2015 56% 26% 13% 1232
A Muslim person 2006 52% 23% 15% 1437
2010 55% 24% 15% 1366
2015 55% 26% 13% 1232
A black or Asian person 2006 70% 18% 4% 1437
2010 70% 18% 6% 1366
2015 72% 21% 3% 1232

Chapter 5 detailed tables

Table A5.1: Sample sizes for % unhappy about a close relative marrying someone who has undergone gender reassignment by diversity, knowing a gay man or lesbian and whether agree that more black and Asian people mean Scotland loses its identity

% unhappy about a close relative forming a relationship with someone who has undergone gender reassignment 2010 2015
Preferred kind of area
Different kinds of people 488 532
People similar to you 604 443
Know someone who is gay or lesbian
Yes 1088 1003
No 278 228
More Black and Asian people mean Scotland loses its identity
Agree 712 471
Disagree 437 516

Table A5.2: Sample sizes for changes in attitudes towards a close relative marrying a Gypsy/Traveller by indicators of psychological outlook (2010, 2015)

% unhappy about a close relative forming a relationship with a Gypsy/Traveller 2010 2015
Preferred kind of area
Different kinds of people 488 532
People similar to you 604 443
Know someone from a different ethnic background
Yes 1075 971
No 291 260
Scotland would lose its identity if more people from Eastern Europe came to live in Scotland
Disagree 469 502
Agree 714 509

Table A5.3: Sample sizes for changes in attitudes towards a close relative forming a relationship with someone who has undergone gender reassignment by socio-demographic factors (2010, 2015)

% unhappy about a close relative forming a relationship with someone who has undergone gender reassignment 2010 2015
Male 662 582
Female 833 706
Age Group
18-29 212 143
30-39 218 193
40-64 678 582
65+ 386 368
Highest Educational Qualification
Degree 498 487
Higher or equivalent 267 242
Standard grade or equivalent 386 287
None 337 265
Has a religious identification 799 652
Has no religion 695 634

Chapter 6 detailed tables

Table A6.1: % saying joiner/hotel owner should be free to hire his friend/Polish people (2015, row %)

  Joiner Hotel owner Wtd bases Unwtd bases
All 78% 57% 1232 1234
Men 82% 58% 556 587
Women 73% 56% 678 646
Socio-economic class
Employers, managers and professionals 83% 63% 466 473
Intermediate occupations 79% 59% 125 126
Small employers and own account holders 84% 58% 112 95
Lower supervisory and technical occupations 80% 51% 153 152
Semi routine and routine occupations 68% 52% 346 345
Not classified 51% 46% 10 9
Household income (equivalised)
Lowest income quartile 68% 52% 267 222
2 nd 74% 49% 253 238
3 rd 79% 57% 268 281
Highest income quartile 87% 67% 254 284
Don't know / refused 77% 57% 192 207
Respondent's main economic activity
In full time education/training 76% 61% 36 59
In work/waiting to take up work 82% 63% 642 688
Unemployed 68% 47% 67 74
Retired 75% 49% 356 278
Looking after home 69% 43% 55 60
Other, incl. Don't know / Not answered 67% 46% 78 72
'People from Eastern Europe take jobs away from other people in Scotland'
Agree/Agree strongly 72% 39% 388 370
Neither agree nor disagree 80% 60% 264 256
Disagree/Disagree strongly 81% 67% 568 593
Can't choose / Don't know / Refused 52% 35% 14 13

Base: All respondents who completed self-complete module

Table A6.2: % saying joiner but not hotel owner should be free to hire his friend/Polish people (2015, row %)

  Joiner but not hotel owner should be free to hire his friend/Polish people Wtd bases Unwtd bases
All 22% 1232 1234
Men 25% 587 556
Women 19% 646 678
'People from Eastern Europe take jobs away from other people in Scotland'
Agree/Agree strongly 34% 370 388
Neither agree nor disagree 21% 256 264
Disagree/Disagree strongly 15% 593 568
Can't choose / Don't know / Refused 17% 13 14

Base: All respondents who completed self-complete module

Table A6.3: Whether mothers/fathers should have right to take up to six months' paid parental leave (2010, 2015, column %)

Mothers Fathers
2010 2015 2010 2015
Agree strongly 34% 46% 15% 21%
Agree 48% 39% 31% 34%
Neither agree nor disagree 6% 6% 12% 14%
Disagree 10% 7% 30% 22%
Disagree strongly 2% 1% 11% 8%
(Don't know) * * * *
(Not answered) - - - -
Bases 1495 1288 1495 1288

Base: All respondents

Table A6.4: Whether mothers/fathers should be able to take up to five days' leave to care for sick child (2015, column %)

Mothers Fathers
Definitely should 70% 60%
Probably should 24% 30%
Probably should not 3% 7%
Definitely should not 2% 3%
(Don't know ) 1% 1%
(Not answered) - *
Bases 1288 1288

Base: All respondents.

Table A6.5: Whether mothers/fathers should have right to take up to six months' paid parental leave (2015, row %)

Fathers should have right Mothers but not fathers should have right Wtd bases Unwtd bases
All 55% 31% 1288 1288
Men 52% 34% 617 582
Women 58% 28% 671 706
18-29 77% 16% 239 143
30-39 78% 19% 227 193
40-64 53% 32% 533 582
65+ 22% 50% 288 368
(no information) 71% - 1 2
Socio-economic class
Employers, managers and professionals 56% 30% 485 479
Intermediate occupations 54% 25% 129 129
Small employers and own account holders 38% 36% 102 118
Lower supervisory and technical occupations 53% 35% 160 160
Semi routine and routine occupations 59% 30% 364 367
Not classified 38% 29% 15 12
Area preference
Prefers area where most people similar to you 66% 25% 576 532
Prefers area with lots of different kinds of people 43% 37% 413 443
Can't choose / Don't know / Not answered 54% 32% 244 259

Base: All respondents

Table A6.6: Whether wrong to make people retire simply because of age (2005, 2010, 2015, column %)

2005 2010 2015
It is wrong to make people retire just because they have reached a certain age 76% 75% 76%
Older people should be made to retire to make way for younger age groups. 21% 22% 21%
(Don't know) 3% 3% 2%
(Not answered) * * *
Bases 1594 1495 1288

Base: All respondents.

Table A6.7: % saying wrong to make people retire due to age, by age and attitudes to prejudice (2015, row %)

It is wrong to make people retire just because they have reached a certain age Unwt bases Wtd bases
All 76% 1288 1288
18-29 86% 143 239
30-39 84% 193 227
40-64 73% 582 533
65+ 68% 368 288
(no information) * 2 1
Attitudes to prejudice
'Scotland should do everything it can to get rid of all kinds of prejudice' 79% 898 894
'Sometimes there is good reason for people to be prejudiced against certain groups' 70% 390 394

Base: All respondents.

Chapter 7 detailed tables

Table A7.1 Believing that an employer should be able to insist an employee removes a religious symbol by general attitudes to prejudice and diversity

Christian Sikh Headscarf Veil Weighted bases Unweighted bases
All 14% 20% 18% 65% 1232 1234
Preference for living in an area…
…with lots of different kinds of people 8% 10% 10% 50% 576 532
…where most people are similar to you 21% 33% 27% 83% 413 443

Chapter 8 detailed tables

Table A8.1: Say a company had fewer women than men in senior jobs and decided to give its women employees extra opportunities to get training and qualifications (2006-2015)

  2006 2010 2015
Definitely fair 25% 25% 30%
Probably fair 38% 37% 35%
Probably unfair 26% 25% 24%
Definitely unfair 9% 12% 9%
(Don't know) 1% 1% 2%
Sample size 1594 1495 1288

Table A8.2: And say a company had few black and Asian people in senior jobs and decided to give black and Asian people it employed extra opportunities to get training and qualifications (2006-2015)

  2006 2010 2015
Definitely fair 17% 14% 22%
Probably fair 40% 36% 35%
Probably unfair 29% 31% 28%
Definitely unfair 12% 17% 13%
(Don't know) 2% 2% 2%
(Not answered)     *
Sample size 1594 1495 1288

Table A8.3: Whether attempts to give equal opportunities to black and Asian people have gone too far or not far enough

Gone too far About right Not gone far enough Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 16% 44% 32% 1288 1288
Men 14% 45% 34% 617 582
Women 18% 43% 30% 671 706
18-29 7% 45% 43% 239 143
30-39 12% 50% 31% 227 193
40-64 19% 42% 30% 533 582
65+ 23% 43% 26% 288 368
Household income
Up to 14,300 25% 40% 30% 236 278
14,300 up to 26,000 22% 44% 26% 248 264
26,000 up to 44,200 15% 40% 37% 285 272
Over 44,200 9% 47% 37% 287 256
DK 8% 61% 20% 86 79
Refused/Not answered 16% 42% 30% 147 139
SIMD 2012 Quintiles
Most deprived 29% 40% 25% 224 178
2 18% 42% 34% 267 246
3 15% 44% 34% 284 320
4 13% 46% 31% 270 332
Least deprived 10% 49% 32% 242 212
Degree / HE 11% 44% 37% 491 487
Highers / A-Levels 11% 46% 35% 279 242
Standard Grade / GCSE 18% 45% 30% 274 287
None 31% 42% 19% 239 265
Preference to live in a type of area
Would rather live in an area with lots of different kinds of people 7% 41% 45% 576 532
Would rather live in an area where most people are similar to you 27% 51% 16% 413 443
Knows someone from different racial ethnic background
Yes 14% 44% 34% 1001 971
No 23% 47% 23% 229 260

Table A8.4: Whether attempts to give equal opportunities to gay men and lesbians have gone too far or not far enough

Gone too far About right Not gone far enough Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 10% 55% 28% 1288 1288
Men 12% 55% 26% 617 582
Women 9% 54% 29% 671 708
18-29 1% 50% 44% 239 143
30-39 8% 60% 27% 227 193
40-64 10% 56% 27% 533 582
65+ 21% 53% 15% 288 368
Household income
Up to 14,300 17% 51% 24% 236 278
14,300 up to 26,000 12% 57% 24% 248 264
26,000 up to 44,200 8% 55% 32% 285 272
Over 44,200 7% 59% 30% 287 256
DK 7% 51% 26% 86 79
Refused/Not answered 11% 50% 25% 147 139
SIMD 2012 Quintiles
Most deprived 9% 54% 28% 224 178
2 10% 54% 29% 267 246
3 12% 53% 30% 284 320
4 11% 52% 28% 270 332
Least deprived 10% 60% 22% 242 212
Degree / HE 8% 55% 31% 491 487
Highers / A-Levels 8% 56% 29% 279 242
Standard Grade / GCSE 14% 54% 26% 274 287
None 14% 53% 22% 239 265
Preference to live in a type of area
Would rather live in an areas with lots of different kinds of people 5% 53% 36% 576 532
Would rather live in an areas where most people are similar to you 19% 58% 16% 413 443
Know someone who is gay or lesbian
Yes 9% 55% 30% 1046 1003
No 15% 55% 21% 184 228

Table A8.5: Whether it is right or wrong for an employee to get paid more than another employee who has poor eyesight and is in receipt of a government grant

Right Neither Wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 15% 19% 65% 1232 1234
Gender %
Men 21% 20% 59% 587 556
Women 11% 18% 71% 646 678
Degree / HE 13% 17% 70% 480 475
Highers / A-Levels 15% 17% 67% 276 239
Standard Grade / GCSE 15% 25% 60% 260 275
None 21% 18% 60% 211 238
Preference to live in a type of area
Would rather live in an areas with lots of different kinds of people 11% 16% 72% 576 532
Would rather live in an areas where most people are similar to you 22% 21% 57% 413 443

Table A8.6: Say several people apply for a job, including someone with a disability. They all meet the necessary requirements for the job. Do you think it would be fair or unfair to automatically give the person with a disability an interview for the job even if other candidates appear to be better qualified? (2006-2015)

  2006 2010 2015
Definitely fair 10% 10% 16%
Probably fair 30% 27% 25%
Probably unfair 40% 41% 40%
Definitely unfair 17% 22% 18%
(Don't know) 3% 1% 2%
(Not answered) *
Sample size 1594 1495 1288

Table A8.7: Say a company has very few women in senior jobs. They are about to recruit a new senior manager and decide they want to appoint a woman. Do you think it would be fair or unfair for the company to only interview women for the new job? (2006-2015)

  2010 2015
Definitely fair 4% 6%
Probably fair 16% 15%
Probably unfair 35% 41%
Definitely unfair 43% 38%
(Don't know) 1% 1%
(Not answered)   *
Sample size 1495 1288

Table A8.8: Those who were more likely to say that offering extra training opportunities to women

Fair Unfair Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 65% 33% 1288 1288
Men 61% 37% 617 582
Women 68% 30% 671 706
18-29 59% 40% 239 143
30-39 63% 36% 227 193
40-64 63% 36% 533 582
65+ 76% 21% 288 368
Fair Unfair Weighted bases Unweighted bases
Household income
Up to 14,300 78% 22% 236 278
14,300 up to 26,000 69% 29% 248 264
26,000 up to 44,200 58% 42% 285 272
Over 44,200 53% 45% 287 256
DK 79% 20% 86 79
Refused/Not answered 67% 28% 147 139
Main economic activity
Education/training full time 73% 23% 59 36
In work/wait take up work 57% 42% 707 660
Unemployed 75% 25% 81 69
Retired 74% 23% 303 385
Looking after home 69% 31% 60 55
Other 86% 13% 77 82
Employers/ professionals 54% 45% 485 479
Intermediate occupations 68% 30% 129 129
Small employers & own account workers 66% 33% 102 118
Lower supervisory technical occupations 70% 29% 160 160
Semi-routine and routine occupations 74% 23% 364 367
Degree / HE 58% 40% 491 487
Highers / A-Levels 54% 45% 279 242
Standard Grade / GCSE 74% 24% 274 287
None 81% 16% 239 265

Table A8.9: Those who were more likely to say that offering extra training opportunities to black and Asian people

Fair Unfair Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 57% 41% 1288 1288
Men 55% 43% 617 582
Women 60% 38% 671 706
18-29 58% 42% 239 143
30-39 57% 41% 227 193
40-64 55% 43% 533 582
65+ 63% 34% 288 368
Household income
Up to 14,300 63% 36% 236 278
14,300 up to 26,000 61% 37% 248 264
26,000 up to 44,200 51% 48% 289 272
Over 44,200 50% 49% 287 256
DK 73% 25% 87 79
Refused/Not answered 60% 33% 147 139
Main economic activity
Education/training full time 60% 37% 59 36
In work/wait take up work 53% 45% 707 660
Unemployed 59% 41% 81 69
Retired 62% 34% 303 385
Looking after home 57% 43% 60 55
Other 73% 26% 77 82
Fair Unfair Weighted bases Unweighted bases
Employers/ professionals 52% 46% 485 479
Intermediate occupations 66% 34% 129 129
Small employers & own account workers 54% 45% 102 118
Lower supervisory technical occupations 61% 36% 160 160
Semi-routine and routine occupations 60% 37% 364 367
Degree / HE 56% 43% 491 487
Highers / A-Levels 50% 49% 279 242
Standard Grade / GCSE 64% 35% 274 287
None 63% 32% 239 265
Preference to live in a type of area
Would rather live in an areas with lots of different kinds of people 61% 38% 576 532
Would rather live in an areas where most people are similar to you 54% 45% 413 443
Scotland would begin to lose its identity if more black and Asian people came to live in Scotland
Agree 51% 47% 445 471
Neither 61% 37% 287 290
Disagree 60% 37% 546 516

Table A8.10: Whether fair or unfair to grant an automatic interview to a person with a disability

Fair Unfair Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 40% 57% 1288 1288
18-29 30% 70% 239 143
30-39 31% 67% 227 193
40-64 42% 56% 533 582
65+ 54% 43% 288 368
Household income
Up to 14,300 45% 51% 236 278
14,300 up to 26,000 43% 55% 248 264
26,000 up to 44,200 38% 60% 285 272
Over 44,200 38% 61% 287 256
DK 43% 55% 86 79
Refused/Not answered 36% 61% 147 139
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2012 Quintiles
Most deprived 49% 47% 224 178
2 42% 57% 267 246
3 40% 58% 284 320
4 38% 60% 270 332
Least deprived 34% 64% 242 212
Degree / HE 36% 62% 491 487
Highers / A-Levels 30% 67% 279 242
Standard Grade / GCSE 48% 51% 274 287
None 53% 43% 239 265
Main economic activity
Education/training full time 25% 73% 59 36
In work/wait take up work 36% 63% 707 660
Unemployed 42% 57% 81 69
Retired 52% 44% 303 385
Looking after home 42% 55% 60 55
Other 48% 47% 77 82
Disability or long-term illness
Yes 44% 53% 466 510
No 38% 60% 820 776

Table A8.11: Whether fair or unfair to have women-only shortlists

Fair Unfair Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 20% 79% 1288 1288
Household income
Up to 14,300 30% 69% 236 278
14,300 up to 26,000 22% 77% 248 264
26,000 up to 44,200 17% 82% 285 272
Over 44,200 17% 83% 287 256
DK 21% 78% 86 79
Refused/Not answered 15% 84% 147 139
Degree / HE 19% 80% 491 487
Highers / A-Levels 18% 81% 279 242
Standard Grade / GCSE 20% 79% 274 287
None 26% 73% 239 265
Main economic activity
Education/training full time 11% 89% 59 36
In work/wait take up work 17% 83% 707 660
Unemployed 19% 81% 81 69
Retired 24% 74% 303 385
Looking after home 35% 65% 60 55
Other 37% 63% 77 82

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