
Scottish Social Attitudes 2015: Attitudes to Government, the National Health Service, the Economy and Standard of Living

This report provides the findings of the core module of the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2015 on attitudes to government, the National Health Service, the economy and standard of living.

Table A2.9: From what you have seen and heard so far do you think that having a Scottish parliament is giving ordinary people…(1999- 2015, column %)

1997* 1999** 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
% % % % % % % %
...more say in how Scotland is governed 79 64 44 38 31 39 31 37
...less say 2 2 3 4 4 4 6 5
...or, is it making no difference 17 32 51 56 62 54 60 55
(Don't know) - - - - - - - -
(Not answered) - - - - - - * *
Sample size 882 1482 1663 1605 1665 1508 1637 1549
2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2015
% % % % % % % %
...more say in how Scotland is governed 37 47 47 42 60 46 46 61
...less say 5 3 3 4 3 6 5 3
...or, is it making no difference 55 45 47 50 33 47 45 33
(Don't know) 4 4 3 4 4 31 3 3
(Not answered) - * * - - - - -
Sample size 1594 1508 1482 1495 1197 1229 1497 1288

*1997 data source = Referendum study
**1999-2009 data source = Scottish Social Attitudes survey
Note: The question wording in each year was:
1999 "Will a Scottish Parliament…"
2000 "Do you think that having a Scottish parliament is going to…"
2001 onwards "Do you think that having a Scottish Parliament is giving…"


Email: Donna Easterlow

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