
Scottish Social Attitudes 2015: Attitudes to Government, the National Health Service, the Economy and Standard of Living

This report provides the findings of the core module of the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2015 on attitudes to government, the National Health Service, the economy and standard of living.

Table A2.14: Do you think having a Scottish Parliament is giving ordinary people...

…More say in how Scotland is governed …Less say in how Scotland is governed Making no difference Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % %
ALL 61 3 33 1288 1288
18-29 64 4 27 239 143
30-39 63 2 31 227 193
40-64 61 3 35 533 582
65+ 55 5 38 288 368
Household income quartiles
Up to 14,300 55 4 37 236 278
14,300 up to 26,000 54 4 38 248 264
26,000 up to 44,200 69 1 28 285 272
Over 44,200 66 4 30 287 256
Don't know/Refusal/Not Applicable/ 56 4 35 233 218
Party Identification
Conservative 43 7 49 140 177
Labour 53 5 42 251 247
Liberal Democrat 51 2 45 45 50
SNP 77 2 19 543 529
None, Other, Don't know, Not applicable 47 3 42 309 284
Constitutional preference
Scotland not in UK 72 2 24 508 487
Scotland in UK with own parliament 57 3 38 629 641
Scotland in UK without parliament 28 11 60 72 80
Interest in politics
A great deal / Quite a lot 70 4 26 513 517
Some 59 2 36 394 393
Not very much / None 50 3 40 381 378
National Identity
Scottish 69 3 24 344 333
More Scottish than British 62 2 33 348 339
Equally 55 4 39 386 395
More British / British 46 3 48 128 146
Left - Right scale
Left 67 3 29 362 345
Centre 61 4 33 444 444
Right 56 2 36 423 441


Email: Donna Easterlow

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