
Scottish Social Attitudes 2015: Attitudes to Government, the National Health Service, the Economy and Standard of Living

This report provides the findings of the core module of the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2015 on attitudes to government, the National Health Service, the economy and standard of living.

Table A3.5: Thinking back over the last twelve months, that is since (month of interview) 2014, would you say that since then the standard of the health service in Scotland has increased or fallen?

Increased Stayed the same Fallen Weighted bases Unweighted bases
% % %
ALL 12 41 39 1288 1288
18-29 14 40 32 239 143
30-39 14 48 28 227 193
40-64 10 42 42 533 582
65+ 11 35 49 288 368
Male 11 45 36 617 582
Female 12 38 42 671 706
Highest Educational qualification
Degree / HE 8 49 35 491 487
Highers / A-Levels 13 39 36 279 242
Standard Gd / GCSE 16 38 42 274 287
None 12 32 48 239 265
Household income
Up to 14,300 15 35 44 236 278
14,300 up to 26,000 7 38 50 248 264
26,000 up to 44,200 14 43 34 285 272
Over 44,200 9 53 33 287 256
DK / Ref / NA 13 35 36 233 218
Left - Right scale
Left 12 34 47 362 345
Centre 11 43 37 444 444
Right 11 46 33 424 441


Email: Donna Easterlow

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