
Scottish Social Attitudes 2015: Attitudes to Government, the National Health Service, the Economy and Standard of Living

This report provides the findings of the core module of the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2015 on attitudes to government, the National Health Service, the economy and standard of living.

List of Figures and Tables

Figure 2.1 Trust in the UK and Scottish Governments to act in Scotland's best long-term interest (1999 - 2015, % trust 'just about always' / 'most of the time')

Figure 2.2 Trust in the UK and Scottish Government to make fair decisions (2006-2015, % trust 'a great deal' / 'quite a lot')

Figure 2.3 How good are the Scottish Executive / Government and the UK Government at listening to people's views before taking decisions? (2004-2015, % 'very good' / 'quite good')

Figure 2.4 Does having a Scottish Parliament give ordinary people more say in how Scotland is governed, less say or is it making no difference? (1999-2015, % 'more say in how Scotland in governed'?)

Figure 2.5 Do people think that having a Scottish Parliament gives Scotland a stronger or weaker voice in the UK? (1999-2015, %)

Figure 2.6 Who has the most influence over the way Scotland is run? (1999-2015, %)

Figure 2.7 Who ought to have the most influence over the way Scotland is run? (1999-2015, %)

Table 3.1: What should be the Scottish Government's* highest priority? (2004-2015, column %)

Figure 3.1: Satisfaction with the way the health service runs nowadays in Scotland (1999 - 2015, %)

Figure 3.2: Whether the standards in the health service have increased or fallen (1999-2015, %)

Table 3.2: Satisfaction with health service by changes in NHS standards (2015, column %)

Figure 3.3: Which government policies are responsible for the fall in the standard of the health service in the past 12 months? (2006-2015,%)

Figure 3.4: Whether the economy has strengthened and whether the standard of living has increased in the past 12 months? (1999-2015, %)

Figure 3.5: Who is credited for perceived strengthening of the economy in the last 12 months? (2006-2015,%)

Figure 3.6: Who is blamed for perceived weakening of the economy in the past 12 months? (2006-2015)


Email: Donna Easterlow

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