Scottish Social Attitudes 2019: data trust

Findings of the Scottish Social Attitudes 2019 covering level of trust in public service organisations and private companies to use personal data only for acceptable purposes.


This section contains the 2017 and 2019 results for questions on data trust.[3]

Table 1: How much do you trust public service organisations to use your personal data only for acceptable purposes? (2017 and 2019, column %)
  2017 2019
% %
A great deal 16 16
Quite a lot 37 42
Somewhat 24 25
Not very much 17 11
Not at all 6 5
(Don't know) 1 0
(Not answered) - -
Sample size 1234 1022

Percentages may not sum to exactly 100, due to rounding.

Table 2: How much do you trust private companies to use your personal data only for acceptable purposes? (2017 and 2019, column %)
  2017 2019
% %
A great deal 2 3
Quite a lot 12 12
Somewhat 26 25
Not very much 36 38
Not at all 23 21
(Don't know) 1 0
(Not answered) - -
Sample size 1234 1022

Percentages may not sum to exactly 100, due to rounding.



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