Scottish social attitudes: attitudes to government and political engagement, 2016

Survey results on attitudes to government, political engagement, economy, standard of living and the NHS.

Annex A. Statistical Testing

This Annex contains details of tests conducted to determine significant relationships between questions on government, priorities, political engagement, the economy, living standards and the NHS and background, and a set of dependent variables from the wider SSA collection.

Cross-tabulations were run and those variables which were statistically significant according to a chi-squared test were input into either an ordinal or logistic regression.

The independent variables that were statistically significant at the 95% level for both the chi-squared and regression analysis are presented in this report.

In the table below:

√ indicates that a statistically significant relationship is found

X indicates that no statistically significant relationship is found

Independent Variables → Age Sex Children in household Working hours Economic activity News source Support or feel close to a party Political affiliation Political spectrum Interest in politics National identity Tenure Main income source Living comfortably Religious identity Highest qualifications SIMD Urban/Rural Political activities Self-reported health
Dependent Variables ↓
Trust to work in Scotland's best interests Scottish Government X X X X X X
UK Government X X X X X X X X
Trust to make fair decisions Scottish Government X X X X X X X
UK Government X X X X X X X
Listening to people's views before taking decisions Scottish Government X X X X X
UK Government X X X X X X X
Influence over the way Scotland is run Who has the most? X X X X
Who ought to have the most? X X X X X
Is Scottish Parliament giving… Scotland a stronger voice in the UK? X X X X X X X
Ordinary people more of a say? X X X X
How much people talked about political events All three events X X X X X
Independence Referendum X X X X X
2016 Scottish Parliament Election X X X X X X X X  
EU Referendum X X X X X X X  
Talk more about politics now because of IndyRef X X X X X X X X X
Political engagement X X X X
Importance of Voting X X X X X
Change in the economy X X X X X
Change in living standards X X X X
NHS Satisfaction X X
Change in NHS standards X X X X X


Email: Sarah Martin

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