
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2014: Attitudes to violence against women in Scotland

This report presents findings from the 2014 Scottish Social Attitudes survey on the attitudes of the Scottish public to the following forms of violence against women: sexual violence, domestic abuse (physical, verbal, mental and emotional), sexual harassment and commercial sexual exploitation.


We would like to thank all those involved in this research. In particular, Alison Stout and colleagues at the Scottish Government, Cheryl Stewart (Scottish Women’s Aid) and Laura Tomson (Zero Tolerance) for their input into questionnaire design as well as for their feedback on early drafts of the report. Thanks to Catherine Bromley for additional advice on questionnaire design and to Anna Marcinciewicz for her work on the development, testing and implementation of the Scottish Social Attitudes survey. Many thanks also to Joan Corbett, our Data Manager, to our programmers, operations staff, and interviewers, without whom the survey would not happen.

And finally, thanks to all our respondents for giving their time and sharing their opinions with us.

Responsibility for the opinions expressed in this report, and for all interpretation of the data, lies solely with the authors.


Email: Alison Stout

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