Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2014: Attitudes to violence against women in Scotland

This report presents findings from the 2014 Scottish Social Attitudes survey on the attitudes of the Scottish public to the following forms of violence against women: sexual violence, domestic abuse (physical, verbal, mental and emotional), sexual harassment and commercial sexual exploitation.


Notes on tables

‘*’ indicates less than 0.5 percent but greater than zero

‘-‘ indicates no respondents gave this answer

All figures are rounded to the nearest whole number (from 2 decimal places, such that 0.49 rounds down and 0.51 up)

Chapter 2 detailed tables – Attitudes to sexual violence

Table A2.1: Views on man’s behaviour if he rapes woman he met at a party (stranger scenario) by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 88 695 688
18-29 92 132 85
30-39 88 110 99
40-64 90 310 314
65+ 81 142 189
Male 85 338 309
Female 91 357 379
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 85 115 141
Over £14,300 to £26,000 89 122 137
Over £26,000 to £44,200 93 135 122
Over £44,200 91 151 136
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 90 262 247
Highers/A-levels 89 142 130
Standard Grades/GCSEs 86 158 166
No recognised qualification 83 124 140
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 88 192 190
No experience 89 494 488

Table A2.2: Views on husband’s behaviour if he rapes his wife by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 74 738 740
18-29 86 140 94
30-39 68 131 113
40-64 78 309 332
65+ 61 158 201
Male 71 343 306
Female 77 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 71 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 67 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 76 151 144
Over £44,200 79 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 76 297 286
Highers/A-levels 83 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 70 175 179
No recognised qualification 64 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 82 231 225
No experience 72 491 500

Table A2.3 What harm, if any, do you think this does to her? (rape by a stranger scenario)

What harm, if any, would this do?
A great deal 85
Quite a lot 8
Some 5
Not very much *
None at all *
(Don't know) 1
(Refusal) 1
Weighted bases 695
Unweighted bases 688

Table A2.4: What harm, if any, do you think this does to her? (rape by a stranger scenario) by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 85 695 688
18-29 93 132 85
30-39 77 110 99
40-64 88 310 314
65+ 76 142 189
Male 83 338 309
Female 86 357 379
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 87 115 141
Over £14,300 to £26,000 86 122 137
Over £26,000 to £44,200 92 135 122
Over £44,200 89 151 136
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 87 262 247
Highers/A-levels 89 142 130
Standard Grades/GCSEs 84 158 166
No recognised qualification 76 124 140
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 90 192 190
No experience 84 494 488

Table A2.5 What harm, if any, do you think this does to her? (rape within marriage scenario)

What harm, if any, would this do?
A great deal 67
Quite a lot 18
Some 8
Not very much 3
None at all 1
(Don't know) 2
(Refusal) 1
Weighted bases 738
Unweighted bases 740

Table A2.6: What harm, if any, do you think this does to her (rape within marriage scenario) by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 67 738 740
18-29 83 140 94
30-39 64 131 113
40-64 69 309 332
65+ 52 158 201
Male 67 343 306
Female 67 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 65 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 61 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 69 151 144
Over £44,200 70 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 66 297 286
Highers/A-levels 79 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 66 175 179
No recognised qualification 56 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 75 231 225
No experience 65 491 500

Table A2.7 Views on man’s behaviour if woman takes man/ husband to bedroom and kisses him and then he rapes her

Man’s behaviour First woman takes man she has just met to bedroom and kisses him Man rapes woman First wife takes husband to their bedroom and kisses him Husband rapes wife
% %
7 Very seriously wrong 58 44
6 14 12
5 12 13
4 7 12
3 3 6
2 2 4
1 Not wrong at all 2 3
Don’t know/ refused 2 4
Weighted bases 695^ 738¥
Unweighted bases 688^ 740¥

Base: All respondents who completed either Version A¥ or Version B^ of the self-completion

Table A2.7: Views on man’s behaviour if first woman takes man to bedroom and kisses him and then he rapes her (stranger scenario) by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Man’s behaviour Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 58 695 688
18-29 58 132 85
30-39 68 110 99
40-64 63 310 314
65+ 41 142 189
Male 53 338 309
Female 64 357 379
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 39 115 141
Over £14,300 to £26,000 57 122 137
Over £26,000 to £44,200 66 135 122
Over £44,200 65 151 136
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 65 262 247
Highers/A-levels 63 142 130
Standard Grades/GCSEs 45 158 166
No recognised qualification 53 124 140
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 66 192 190
No experience 56 494 488

Table A2.8: Views on man’s behaviour if first wife takes man to bedroom and kisses him and then he rapes her by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Man’s behaviour Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 44 738 740
18-29 58 140 94
30-39 54 131 113
40-64 43 309 332
65+ 27 158 201
Male 42 343 306
Female 47 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 39 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 38 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 54 151 144
Over £44,200 45 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 49 297 286
Highers/A-levels 49 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 39 175 179
No recognised qualification 35 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 49 231 225
No experience 43 491 500

Table A2.9: Views on woman’s behaviour when she first takes the man into the bedroom and kisses him and is then raped (stranger scenario) by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Woman’s behaviour Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 24 695 688
18-29 9 132 85
30-39 18 110 99
40-64 28 310 314
65+ 35 142 189
Male 20 338 309
Female 28 357 379
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 32 115 141
Over £14,300 to £26,000 22 122 137
Over £26,000 to £44,200 25 135 122
Over £44,200 15 151 136
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 24 262 247
Highers/A-levels 17 142 130
Standard Grades/GCSEs 24 158 166
No recognised qualification 33 124 140
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 26 192 190
No experience 24 494 488

Table A2.10: Views on woman’s behaviour when she first takes husband into the bedroom and kisses him and is then raped by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Man’s behaviour Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 14 738 740
18-29 11 140 94
30-39 12 131 113
40-64 14 309 332
65+ 20 158 201
Male 15 343 306
Female 13 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 13 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 11 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 16 151 144
Over £44,200 10 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 12 297 286
Highers/A-levels 11 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 17 175 179
No recognised qualification 19 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 15 231 225
No experience 14 491 500

Table A2.11: How much, if at all, is a woman to blame if she wears very revealing clothing on night out and gets raped by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Entirely to blame Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 4 1433 1428
18-29 2 272 179
30-39 2 241 212
40-64 4 619 646
65+ 8 300 390
Male 3 680 615
Female 5 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 6 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 4 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 2 287 266
Over £44,200 2 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 2 558 533
Highers/A-levels 2 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 5 333 345
No recognised qualification 8 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 3 423 415
No experience 5 985 988

Table A2.12: How much, if at all, is a woman to blame if she is very drunk and gets raped by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Entirely to blame Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 5 1433 1428
18-29 2 272 179
30-39 2 241 212
40-64 4 619 646
65+ 12 300 390
Male 3 680 615
Female 6 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 6 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 6 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 4 287 266
Over £44,200 2 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 2 558 533
Highers/A-levels 2 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 6 333 345
No recognised qualification 12 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 4 423 415
No experience 5 985 988

Table A2.13: Agree / disagree: ‘women often lie about being raped’

Women often lie about being raped.
Agree strongly 6
Agree 18
Neither agree nor disagree 40
Disagree 25
Disagree strongly 9
(Don't know) 2
(Refusal) 1
Weighted bases 1433
Unweighted bases 1428

Table A2.14: Agree / disagree: ‘rape results from men being unable to control their need for sex’

Rape results from men being unable to control their need for sex.
Agree strongly 13
Agree 23
Neither agree nor disagree 24
Disagree 19
Disagree strongly 16
(Don't know) 2
(Refusal) 1
Weighted bases 1433
Unweighted bases 1428

Table A2.15: Agree/ disagree: ‘women often lie about being raped’ by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Agree strongly / Agree Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 23 1433 1428
18-29 22 272 179
30-39 21 241 212
40-64 21 619 646
65+ 31 300 390
Male 19 680 615
Female 27 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 30 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 23 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 18 287 266
Over £44,200 17 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 16 558 533
Highers/A-levels 21 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 29 333 345
No recognised qualification 34 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 24 423 415
No experience 23 985 988

Table A2.16: Agree/ disagree: ‘rape results from men being unable to control their need for sex’ by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Agree strongly / Agree Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 37 1433 1428
18-29 33 272 179
30-39 28 241 212
40-64 39 619 646
65+ 44 300 390
Male 40 680 615
Female 34 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 38 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 39 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 39 287 266
Over £44,200 33 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 30 558 533
Highers/A-levels 39 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 43 333 345
No recognised qualification 42 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 36 423 415
No experience 38 985 988

Chapter 3 detailed tables – Attitudes to domestic abuse: physical abuse

Table A3.1: Views on man getting angry and slapping wife in the face by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 92 738 740
18-29 94 140 94
30-39 92 131 113
40-64 92 309 332
65+ 89 158 201
Male 91 343 306
Female 93 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 91 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 91 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 97 151 144
Over £44,200 94 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 93 297 286
Highers/A-levels 92 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 91 175 179
No recognised qualification 91 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 92 231 225
No experience 94 491 500

Table A3.2: Views on woman getting angry and slapping husband in the face by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 81 695 688
18-29 85 132 85
30-39 83 110 99
40-64 82 310 314
65+ 72 142 189
Male 79 338 309
Female 83 357 379
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 78 115 141
Over £14,300 to £26,000 82 122 137
Over £26,000 to £44,200 89 135 122
Over £44,200 81 151 136
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 84 262 247
Highers/A-levels 84 142 130
Standard Grades/GCSEs 78 158 166
No recognised qualification 75 124 140
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 89 192 190
No experience 78 494 488

Table A3.3: Man slapping wife. What harm, if any, do you think this does to her?

What harm, if any, do you think this does to her?
A great deal 89
Quite a lot 8
Some 1
Not very much *
None at all *
(Don't know) 1
(Refusal) 1
Weighted bases 738
Unweighted bases 740

Table A3.4: Woman slapping husband. What harm, if any, do you think this does to him?

What harm, if any, do you think this does to him?
A great deal 62
Quite a lot 28
Some 7
Not very much 1
None at all 1
(Don't know) 1
(Refusal) *
Weighted bases 695
Unweighted bases 688

Table A3.5: Man slapping wife. What harm, if any, do you think this does to her by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence?

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 89 738 740
18-29 90 140 94
30-39 86 131 113
40-64 91 309 332
65+ 87 158 201
Male 88 343 306
Female 90 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 88 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 85 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 92 151 144
Over £44,200 93 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 90 297 286
Highers/A-levels 93 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 87 175 179
No recognised qualification 87 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 89 231 225
No experience 90 491 500

Table A3.6: Woman slapping husband. What harm, if any, do you think this does to him by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 62 695 688
18-29 67 132 85
30-39 62 110 99
40-64 63 310 314
65+ 56 142 189
Male 57 338 309
Female 67 357 379
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 64 115 141
Over £14,300 to £26,000 56 122 137
Over £26,000 to £44,200 73 135 122
Over £44,200 63 151 136
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 63 262 247
Highers/A-levels 68 142 130
Standard Grades/GCSEs 64 158 166
No recognised qualification 52 124 140
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 71 192 190
No experience 59 494 488

Table A3.7: Man slapping wife. Should she forgive her husband if he says sorry?

What if he immediately told her how sorry he is for slapping her, do you think she should forgive him?
Yes, definitely 2
Yes, probably 24
No, probably not 35
No, definitely not 38
(Don't know) 1
(Refusal) 1
Weighted bases 738
Unweighted bases 740

Table A3.8: Woman slapping husband. Should he forgive his wife if she says sorry?

What if he immediately told her how sorry he is for slapping her, do you think he should forgive her?
Yes, definitely 8
Yes, probably 52
No, probably not 29
No, definitely not 9
(Don't know) 2
(Refusal) *
Weighted bases 695
Unweighted bases 688

Table A3.9: Man slapping wife. Should she forgive her husband if he says sorry by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence?

Yes, definitely / probably Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 25 738 740
18-29 21 140 94
30-39 28 131 113
40-64 19 309 332
65+ 40 158 201
Male 25 343 306
Female 26 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 29 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 29 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 25 151 144
Over £44,200 24 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 27 297 286
Highers/A-levels 20 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 25 175 179
No recognised qualification 31 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 24 231 225
No experience 27 491 500

Table A3.10: Woman slapping husband. Should he forgive his wife if she says she is sorry by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence?

Yes, definitely / probably Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 59 695 688
18-29 50 132 85
30-39 50 110 99
40-64 57 310 314
65+ 80 142 189
Male 69 338 309
Female 50 357 379
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 63 115 141
Over £14,300 to £26,000 71 122 137
Over £26,000 to £44,200 56 135 122
Over £44,200 58 151 136
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 65 262 247
Highers/A-levels 51 142 130
Standard Grades/GCSEs 55 158 166
No recognised qualification 63 124 140
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of physical abuse 53 72 78
Experience of any other type of gender based violence 51 122 113
No experience 62 493 487

Table A3.11: Views on man slapping wife after finding out she had an affair – by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 54 738 740
18-29 52 140 94
30-39 53 131 113
40-64 59 309 332
65+ 47 158 201
Male 52 343 306
Female 56 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 49 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 56 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 51 151 144
Over £44,200 61 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 55 297 286
Highers/A-levels 58 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 51 175 179
No recognised qualification 51 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 53 231 225
No experience 55 491 500

Table A3.12: Man finds out his wife had an affair and slaps her. What harm, if any, do you think this does to her?

What harm, if any, do you think this does to her?
A great deal 48
Quite a lot 26
Some 19
Not very much 4
None at all *
(Don't know) 1
(Refusal) 1
Weighted bases 1433
Unweighted bases 1428

Table A3.13: Man finds out his wife had an affair and slaps her. What harm, if any, do you think this does to her by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 48 738 740
18-29 58 140 94
30-39 44 131 113
40-64 50 309 332
65+ 39 158 201
Male 49 343 306
Female 48 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 46 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 51 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 50 151 144
Over £44,200 49 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 50 297 286
Highers/A-levels 55 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 47 175 179
No recognised qualification 40 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 51 231 225
No experience 49 491 500

Table A3.14: Should she forgive husband if he says sorry after an affair

What if he immediately told her how sorry he is for slapping her, do you think she should forgive him?
Yes, definitely 6
Yes, probably 40
No, probably not 32
No, definitely not 19
(Don't know) 2
(Refusal) 1
Weighted bases 1433
Unweighted bases 1428

Table A3.15: Should she forgive him if he says sorry after an affair by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Yes, definitely / probably Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 46 1433 1428
18-29 45 272 179
30-39 41 241 212
40-64 42 619 646
65+ 60 300 390
Male 48 680 615
Female 45 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 48 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 43 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 45 287 266
Over £44,200 48 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 48 558 533
Highers/A-levels 43 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 45 333 345
No recognised qualification 48 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 40 161 161
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 46 264 256
No experience 48 983 986

Chapter 4 detailed tables – Attitudes to domestic abuse: verbal abuse and controlling behaviour

Table A4.1: Views on man putting down and criticising wife by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 72 738 740
18-29 72 140 94
30-39 70 131 113
40-64 78 309 332
65+ 64 158 201
Male 68 343 306
Female 77 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 64 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 64 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 83 151 144
Over £44,200 77 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 74 297 286
Highers/A-levels 69 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 71 175 179
No recognised qualification 75 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 74 231 225
No experience 73 491 500

Table A4.2: Views on woman putting down and criticising husband by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 46 695 688
18-29 61 132 85
30-39 45 110 99
40-64 45 310 314
65+ 36 142 189
Male 45 338 309
Female 47 357 379
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 50 115 141
Over £14,300 to £26,000 42 122 137
Over £26,000 to £44,200 50 135 122
Over £44,200 47 151 136
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 44 262 247
Highers/A-levels 53 142 130
Standard Grades/GCSEs 47 158 166
No recognised qualification 44 124 140
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 54 192 190
No experience 43 494 488

Table A4.3: Man putting down his wife and criticising her. What harm this does to her by age, gender, income, education and experienced of gender based violence

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 61 738 740
18-29 67 140 94
30-39 56 131 113
40-64 64 309 332
65+ 56 158 201
Male 52 343 306
Female 69 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 55 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 62 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 64 151 144
Over £44,200 59 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 61 297 286
Highers/A-levels 66 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 58 175 179
No recognised qualification 61 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 65 231 225
No experience 61 491 500

Table A4.4 Wife putting down her husband and criticising him. What harm this does to her by age, gender, income, education and experienced of gender based violence

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 41 695 688
18-29 57 132 85
30-39 46 110 99
40-64 39 310 314
65+ 28 142 189
Male 35 338 309
Female 46 357 379
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 47 115 141
Over £14,300 to £26,000 34 122 137
Over £26,000 to £44,200 51 135 122
Over £44,200 38 151 136
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 37 262 247
Highers/A-levels 47 142 130
Standard Grades/GCSEs 50 158 166
No recognised qualification 32 124 140
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 51 192 190
No experience 38 494 488

Table A4.5: Views on man telling his wife he does not want her to go out for a meal with friends by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 50 738 740
18-29 47 140 94
30-39 46 131 113
40-64 54 309 332
65+ 48 158 201
Male 43 343 306
Female 56 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 52 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 42 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 50 151 144
Over £44,200 57 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 53 297 286
Highers/A-levels 55 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 44 175 179
No recognised qualification 44 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 57 231 225
No experience 47 491 500

Table A4.6: Views on woman telling her husband she does not want him to go out for a meal with friends by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 23 695 688
18-29 33 132 85
30-39 24 110 99
40-64 22 310 314
65+ 16 142 189
Male 17 338 309
Female 29 357 379
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 19 115 141
Over £14,300 to £26,000 21 122 137
Over £26,000 to £44,200 24 135 122
Over £44,200 31 151 136
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 26 262 247
Highers/A-levels 22 142 130
Standard Grades/GCSEs 24 158 166
No recognised qualification 17 124 140
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 33 192 190
No experience 19 494 488

Table A4.7: Man telling wife he does not want her to go out with friends. What harm does this do by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 30 738 740
18-29 32 140 94
30-39 28 131 113
40-64 30 309 332
65+ 29 158 201
Male 23 343 306
Female 36 395 434
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 29 127 152
Over £14,300 to £26,000 26 129 140
Over £26,000 to £44,200 34 151 144
Over £44,200 30 148 130
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 33 297 286
Highers/A-levels 35 149 139
Standard Grades/GCSEs 28 175 179
No recognised qualification 20 116 133
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 30 231 225
No experience 31 491 500

Table A4.8: Woman telling husband she does not want him to go out with friends. What harm does this do by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 12 695 688
18-29 21 132 85
30-39 13 110 99
40-64 10 310 314
65+ 8 142 189
Male 10 338 309
Female 14 357 379
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 12 115 141
Over £14,300 to £26,000 9 122 137
Over £26,000 to £44,200 14 135 122
Over £44,200 7 151 136
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 12 262 247
Highers/A-levels 9 142 130
Standard Grades/GCSEs 13 158 166
No recognised qualification 16 124 140
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 16 192 190
No experience 10 494 488

Table A4.9: Views on man telling wife to change when dressed up more than usual for night out by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 39 1433 1428
18-29 38 272 179
30-39 38 241 212
40-64 44 619 646
65+ 29 300 390
Male 31 680 615
Female 46 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 41 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 34 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 43 287 266
Over £44,200 44 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 43 558 533
Highers/A-levels 40 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 37 333 345
No recognised qualification 31 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 49 423 415
No experience 36 985 988

Table A4.10: Man telling wife to change before night out. What harm do you think this does by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 27 1433 1428
18-29 29 272 179
30-39 26 241 212
40-64 29 619 646
65+ 19 300 390
Male 22 680 615
Female 31 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 25 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 23 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 31 287 266
Over £44,200 27 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 29 558 533
Highers/A-levels 29 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 25 333 345
No recognised qualification 21 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 34 423 415
No experience 24 985 988

Table A4.11: Views on man telling wife to change before night out if he knows she had an affair by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 21 1433 1428
18-29 21 272 179
30-39 22 241 212
40-64 22 619 646
65+ 19 300 390
Male 18 680 615
Female 24 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 22 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 22 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 17 287 266
Over £44,200 25 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 21 558 533
Highers/A-levels 21 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 19 333 345
No recognised qualification 24 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 24 423 415
No experience 20 985 988

Table A4.12: Views on couple who both work and man insists looking at wife’s bank statements by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 63 1433 1428
18-29 54 272 179
30-39 56 241 212
40-64 67 619 646
65+ 69 300 390
Male 57 680 615
Female 69 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 62 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 60 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 66 287 266
Over £44,200 66 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 65 558 533
Highers/A-levels 62 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 61 333 345
No recognised qualification 64 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 66 423 415
No experience 62 985 988

Table A4.13: Husband looking at wife’s bank statements do to her? What harm, if any, do you think this does to her by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 34 1433 1428
18-29 26 272 179
30-39 31 241 212
40-64 36 619 646
65+ 40 300 390
Male 27 680 615
Female 40 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 33 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 33 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 35 287 266
Over £44,200 31 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 35 558 533
Highers/A-levels 31 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 35 333 345
No recognised qualification 36 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 38 423 415
No experience 33 985 988

Chapter 5 detailed tables – Sexual harassment

Table A5.1: Views on how wrong it is for a woman's boss to tell her how pretty she is and to keep touching her shoulder by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 46 1433 1428
18-29 30 272 179
30-39 49 241 212
40-64 52 619 646
65+ 47 300 390
Male 43 680 615
Female 49 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 42 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 47 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 50 287 266
Over £44,200 45 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 44 558 533
Highers/A-levels 38 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 50 333 345
No recognised qualification 54 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 43 423 415
No experience 47 985 988

Table A5.2: Views on how wrong it is for a group of men to wolf-whistling at a woman in the street by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 25 1433 1428
18-29 25 272 179
30-39 29 241 212
40-64 25 619 646
65+ 20 300 390
Male 27 680 615
Female 23 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 25 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 21 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 20 287 266
Over £44,200 31 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 27 558 533
Highers/A-levels 25 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 19 333 345
No recognised qualification 26 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 24 423 415
No experience 24 985 988

Table A5.3: Views on how wrong it is for an ex-boyfriend to send unwanted gifts to woman by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 19 1433 1428
18-29 12 272 179
30-39 15 241 212
40-64 19 619 646
65+ 27 300 390
Male 20 680 615
Female 18 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 17 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 19 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 18 287 266
Over £44,200 19 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 18 558 533
Highers/A-levels 14 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 21 333 345
No recognised qualification 22 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 20 423 415
No experience 18 985 988

Table A5.4: Boss telling woman how pretty she is and touching her shoulder. What harm does this do to her by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence?

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 25 1433 1428
18-29 14 272 179
30-39 24 241 212
40-64 33 619 646
65+ 21 300 390
Male 25 680 615
Female 26 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 24 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 20 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 29 287 266
Over £44,200 29 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 24 558 533
Highers/A-levels 24 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 26 333 345
No recognised qualification 28 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 26 423 415
No experience 25 985 988

Table A5.5: Group of men wolf whistling at a woman walking down the street. What harm does this do to her by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence?

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 9 1433 1428
18-29 9 272 179
30-39 11 241 212
40-64 10 619 646
65+ 7 300 390
Male 10 680 615
Female 9 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 8 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 6 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 10 287 266
Over £44,200 12 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 10 558 533
Highers/A-levels 11 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 8 333 345
No recognised qualification 7 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 8 423 415
No experience 10 985 988

Table A5.6: Ex-boyfriend sending unwanted gifts to woman’s home and work. What harm does this do to her by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence?

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 14 1433 1428
18-29 9 272 179
30-39 8 241 212
40-64 16 619 646
65+ 21 300 390
Male 14 680 615
Female 15 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 11 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 14 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 13 287 266
Over £44,200 15 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 12 558 533
Highers/A-levels 13 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 17 333 345
No recognised qualification 20 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 14 423 415
No experience 14 985 988

Table A5.7: Views on how wrong it is for a man to put naked photos of ex-girlfriend online without telling her by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Very seriously wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 88 1433 1428
18-29 84 272 179
30-39 89 241 212
40-64 89 619 646
65+ 90 300 390
Male 85 680 615
Female 91 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 89 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 89 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 92 287 266
Over £44,200 88 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 88 558 533
Highers/A-levels 87 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 88 333 345
No recognised qualification 92 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 90 423 415
No experience 88 985 988

Table A5.8: Man puts naked photos of ex-girlfriend online so anyone can see. What harm does this do to her by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence?

A great deal of harm Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 87 1433 1428
18-29 88 272 179
30-39 85 241 212
40-64 88 619 646
65+ 86 300 390
Male 87 680 615
Female 87 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 86 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 88 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 92 287 266
Over £44,200 84 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 86 558 533
Highers/A-levels 88 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 88 333 345
No recognised qualification 85 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 89 423 415
No experience 86 985 988

Table A5.9: Should it be against the law to put naked photos online without permission?

Ex-boyfriend puts up naked photos of girlfriend on internet (without consent)
Definitely should be against the law 78
Probably should be against the law 17
Probably should not be against the law 4
Definitely should not be against the law 1
(Don't know) 1
(Refusal) *
Weighted bases 1433
Unweighted bases 1428

Table A5.10: Should it be against the law to put naked photos online without permission by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Definitely should be against the law Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 78 1433 1428
18-29 62 272 179
30-39 77 241 212
40-64 82 619 646
65+ 85 300 390
Male 74 680 615
Female 82 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 78 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 80 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 80 287 266
Over £44,200 76 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 75 558 533
Highers/A-levels 75 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 82 333 345
No recognised qualification 83 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 78 423 415
No experience 78 985 988

Chapter 6 detailed tables – Commercial sexual exploitation

Table A6.1: Views on how wrong it is for a man to pay for sex with a woman by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Always wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 34 1433 1428
18-29 35 272 179
30-39 40 241 212
40-64 31 619 646
65+ 38 300 390
Male 30 680 615
Female 38 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 32 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 34 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 32 287 266
Over £44,200 31 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 32 558 533
Highers/A-levels 35 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 35 333 345
No recognised qualification 39 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 27 423 415
No experience 37 985 988

Table A6.2: Views on how wrong it is for an adult to watch pornography at home by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Always wrong Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 21 1433 1428
18-29 6 272 179
30-39 17 241 212
40-64 18 619 646
65+ 44 300 390
Male 14 680 615
Female 28 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 23 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 26 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 14 287 266
Over £44,200 13 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 16 558 533
Highers/A-levels 14 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 25 333 345
No recognised qualification 35 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 14 423 415
No experience 23 985 988

Table A6.3: Views on how wrong it is for a group of men to go to a strip club by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Not wrong at all Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 22 1433 1428
18-29 30 272 179
30-39 26 241 212
40-64 18 619 646
65+ 20 300 390
Male 27 680 615
Female 18 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 26 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 21 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 26 287 266
Over £44,200 17 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 18 558 533
Highers/A-levels 22 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 28 333 345
No recognised qualification 20 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 27 423 415
No experience 20 985 988

Table A6.4: Views on how wrong it is for an adult to read magazines featuring topless women by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Not wrong at all Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 30 1433 1428
18-29 50 272 179
30-39 34 241 212
40-64 23 619 646
65+ 25 300 390
Male 37 680 615
Female 24 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 32 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 27 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 35 287 266
Over £44,200 29 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 30 558 533
Highers/A-levels 36 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 31 333 345
No recognised qualification 26 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 39 423 415
No experience 27 985 988

Table A6.5: Agree strongly: ‘Most women who become prostitutes could easily choose a different job if they wanted to’ by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Agree strongly Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 15 1433 1428
18-29 17 272 179
30-39 12 241 212
40-64 13 619 646
65+ 20 300 390
Male 12 680 615
Female 18 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 20 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 18 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 14 287 266
Over £44,200 9 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 7 558 533
Highers/A-levels 15 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 19 333 345
No recognised qualification 26 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 14 423 415
No experience 15 985 988

Table A6.6: Do you think it should or should not be against the law for someone to pay for sex by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Definitely should be against the law Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 26 1433 1428
18-29 33 272 179
30-39 30 241 212
40-64 23 619 646
65+ 25 300 390
Male 22 680 615
Female 31 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 26 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 22 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 22 287 266
Over £44,200 24 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 24 558 533
Highers/A-levels 30 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 25 333 345
No recognised qualification 30 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 24 423 415
No experience 27 985 988

Table A6.7: Agree / disagree: ‘You shouldn’t try to stop teenage boys watching pornography that shows people having sex’

Shouldn’t stop teenage boys watching porn
Agree strongly 9
Agree 21
Neither agree nor disagree 32
Disagree 22
Disagree strongly 15
(Don't know) 1
(Refusal) *
Weighted bases 1433
Unweighted bases 1428

Table A6.8: Strongly disagree: ‘You shouldn’t try to stop teenage boys watching pornography that shows people having sex’ by age, gender, income, education and experience of gender-based violence

Disagree strongly Weighted bases Unweighted bases
ALL 15 1433 1428
18-29 8 272 179
30-39 20 241 212
40-64 13 619 646
65+ 20 300 390
Male 11 680 615
Female 18 752 813
Annual household income
Up to £14,300 14 243 293
Over £14,300 to £26,000 12 251 277
Over £26,000 to £44,200 19 287 266
Over £44,200 14 299 266
Highest educational qualification
Degree/Higher Education 15 558 533
Highers/A-levels 13 291 269
Standard Grades/GCSEs 13 333 345
No recognised qualification 20 240 273
Experience of gender based violence
Experience of gender based violence or abuse 13 423 415
No experience 16 985 988


Email: Alison Stout

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