
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2014: Attitudes to violence against women in Scotland

This report presents findings from the 2014 Scottish Social Attitudes survey on the attitudes of the Scottish public to the following forms of violence against women: sexual violence, domestic abuse (physical, verbal, mental and emotional), sexual harassment and commercial sexual exploitation.


1. Meriting a score of 5 or more on the 7-point scale where 1 meant ‘not wrong at all’ and 7 meant ‘very seriously wrong’. Further details on this scale are provided in Chapter 1.

2. See, for example, ʻThe case for a gendered analysis of violence against womenʼ and ʻWhat does gender have to do with violence against womenʼ

3. Interviewers are all trained to follow the NatCen procedure on ‘Disclosure of Harm’. This sets out what to do if an interviewer encounters a situation during an interview where they feel that the safety and wellbeing of an individual could be at risk.

4. These scenarios followed an earlier scenario which is analysed in Chapter 4 on verbal abuse, coercive and controlling behaviour.

5. There was an additional preamble to this particular question: ‘The following question is about pornography that shows people having sex – not just actors pretending to do so’.

6. Like many national surveys of households or individuals, in order to attain the optimum balance between sample efficiency and fieldwork efficiency the sample was clustered. The first stage of sampling involved randomly selecting postcode sectors. The sample frame of postcode sectors was also stratified (by urban-rural, region and the percentage of people in non-manual occupations) to improve the match between the sample profile and that of the Scottish population.

7. See for details.

8. See for further details on the SIMD.

9. These variables were created by the ScotCen/NatCen Survey Methods Unit. They are based on SIMD scores for all datazones, not just those included in the sample – so an individual who lives in the most deprived quintile of Scotland will also be included in the most deprived quintile in the SSA dataset.


Email: Alison Stout

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