Scottish social attitudes survey 2021/22: Attitudes to Scotland's handling of the pandemic

Findings from the Scottish Government funded Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2021/22 ‘Attitudes to Scotland’s Handling of the Pandemic’ module.

Appendix A – Questions

The following are the questions asked on SSA 2021/22 in relation to attitudes towards the handling of the pandemic.

“We would now like to ask you a series of questions about the handling of the Coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) pandemic. As with all the questions in the survey, you can choose not to answer any question if you don’t want to.”

“How much, if at all, did you trust the data that was made available during the pandemic about the spread of coronavirus in Scotland?”

1 A great deal

2 Quite a lot

3 Somewhat

4 Not very much

5 Not at all

“How much have you trusted the information provided by scientists during the pandemic?”

1 Just about always

2 Most of the time

3 Only some of the time

4 Almost never

“And how much have you trusted the information provided by the Scottish Government during the pandemic?”

1 Just about always

2 Most of the time

3 Only some of the time

4 Almost never

“Thinking about the decisions that were made in Scotland about how to handle the COVID-19 pandemic, how much would you say that they were influenced too much by the views of the public, too little, or by about the right amount?”

1 Far too much

2 Somewhat too much

3 About right

4 Somewhat too little

5 Far too little

“Thinking about the decisions that were made in Scotland about how to handle the COVID-19 pandemic, would you say that there was too much reliance on the evidence provided by scientists, too little, or about the right amount?”

1 Far too much

2 Somewhat too much

3 About right

4 Somewhat too little

5 Far too little

“In general, how well or badly do you think the Scottish Government understood the impact of the coronavirus restrictions on the lives of people like yourself?”

1 Very well

2 Fairly well

3 Neither well nor badly

4 Fairly badly

5 Very badly

“In general, how good or bad do you think the Scottish Government have been at listening to the views of people like yourself about how best to handle the coronavirus pandemic?”

1 Very good

2 Fairly good

3 Neither good nor bad

4 Fairly bad

5 Very bad

“During the coronavirus pandemic to what extent, if at all, would you say the Scottish Government had the interest of people like yourself at heart?”

1 A great deal

2 Quite a lot

3 Somewhat

4 Not very much

5 Not at all

“During the coronavirus pandemic would you say the Scottish Government made its decisions regardless of what people like yourself wanted?”

1 Just about always

2 Most of the time

3 Only some of the time

4 Almost never

“Say that in five years’ time there was another pandemic like COVID19. How confident are you, if at all, that Scotland would be properly prepared to deal with it?”

1 Not at all confident

2 Not very confident

3 Fairly confident

4 Very confident



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