Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2023 - Attitudes to Government, the Economy, and the Health Service

Findings from the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey core module 2023.

In 2023, SSAS was run as a push-to-web survey for the first time in its history.

These questions covered attitudes to: government, the standard of living, the health service, and tax, spending, and redistribution.

Annex C: Full list of significant associations for subgroup analysis

This annex provides a list of which questions saw a statistically significant association with which subgroup variables, including those not referenced in the report. The full statistical tables for the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2023 are published alongside this report on the Scottish Government website

Question wording: Thinking back over the last twelve months, that is since {month of interview } 2022, would you say that since then the standard of the health service in Scotland has increased or fallen?

Question code: SNHSIE12

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: -
  • Genger: -
  • Disability: -
  • Household income: Yes
  • Highest qualification attained: -
  • SIMD: -
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: -

Question wording: Thinking back over the last 12 months, that is since {month of interview} 2022, would you say that since then the general standard of living in Scotland has increased or fallen?

Question code: SLivIE12

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: -
  • Genger: -
  • Disability: -
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: Yes
  • SIMD: Yes
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: Yes

Question wording: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way the National Health Service runs nowadays?

Question code: NHSSat

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: Yes
  • Genger: -
  • Disability: -
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: -
  • SIMD: -
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: -

Question wording: Here is a list of things the Scottish Government could try and achieve. Which do you think should be its highest priority, that is the most important thing it should try and do?

Question code: ExecDo23

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: -
  • Genger: Yes
  • Disability: -
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: Yes
  • SIMD: -
  • Urban or rural: Yes
  • Self-rated hardship: -

Question wording: In general how good would you say the Scottish Government is at listening to people's views before it takes decisions?

Question code: ExecList

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: -
  • Genger: Yes
  • Disability: Yes
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: -
  • SIMD: -
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: -

Question wording: And how good would you say the UK government is at listening to people's views before it takes decisions?

Question code: UKList

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: -
  • Genger: -
  • Disability: -
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: -
  • SIMD: -
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: -

Question wording: How much do you trust the UK Government to work in Scotland's best long-term interest?

Question code: UKIntNat

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: -
  • Genger: -
  • Disability: -
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: -
  • SIMD: -
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: -

Question wording: How much do you trust the Scottish Government to work in Scotland's best interests?

Question code: NatInNat

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: Yes
  • Genger: -
  • Disability: -
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: Yes
  • SIMD: -
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: -

Question wording: Which of the following do you think has most influence over the way Scotland is run?

Question code: DoesInfl

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: Yes
  • Genger: -
  • Disability: -
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: -
  • SIMD: -
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: -

Question wording: And which do you think ought to have most influence over the way Scotland is run?

Question code: OughtInfl

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: Yes
  • Genger: -
  • Disability: -
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: Yes
  • SIMD: -
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: -

Question wording: Think Scottish Parliament is giving ordinary people…[more say in how Scotland is governed/less say/or, is it making no difference?]

Question code: SayInGv3DV

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: -
  • Genger: -
  • Disability: -
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: Yes
  • SIMD: -
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: -

Question wording: Suppose the government had to choose between the following three options. Which do you think it should choose? Reduce taxes and spend less on health, education and social benefits/Keep taxes and spending on these services at the same level as now/Increase taxes and spend more on health, education and social benefits

Question code: TaxSpend

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: Yes
  • Genger: -
  • Disability: Yes
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: -
  • SIMD: -
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: -

Question wording: Government should redistribute income from the better-off to those who are less well off - agree or disagree?

Question code: Redistrib

Is there a significant association with:

  • Age: -
  • Genger: -
  • Disability: -
  • Household income: -
  • Highest qualification attained: -
  • SIMD: Yes
  • Urban or rural: -
  • Self-rated hardship: Yes

Question wording: Thinking back over the last twelve months, that is since {month of interview } 2022, would you say that since then the standard of the health service in Scotland has increased or fallen?

Question code: SNHSIE12

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: -
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: -
  • Party political identification : Yes
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: -
  • Interest in politics: -

Question wording: Thinking back over the last 12 months, that is since {month of interview} 2022, would you say that since then the general standard of living in Scotland has increased or fallen?

Question code: SLivIE12

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: Yes
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: -
  • Party political identification : -
  • Constitutional preference: -
  • Relationship to EU: -
  • Interest in politics: Yes

Question wording: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way the National Health Service runs nowadays?

Question code: NHSSat

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: -
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: -
  • Party political identification : -
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: -
  • Interest in politics: Yes

Question wording: Here is a list of things the Scottish Government could try and achieve. Which do you think should be its highest priority, that is the most important thing it should try and do?

Question code: ExecDo23

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: Yes
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: Yes
  • Party political identification : Yes
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: -
  • Interest in politics: Yes

Question wording: In general how good would you say the Scottish Government is at listening to people's views before it takes decisions?

Question code: ExecList

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: Yes
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: Yes
  • Party political identification : Yes
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: Yes
  • Interest in politics: -

Question wording: And how good would you say the UK government is at listening to people's views before it takes decisions?

Question code: UKList

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: Yes
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: -
  • Party political identification : Yes
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: -
  • Interest in politics: -

Question wording: How much do you trust the UK Government to work in Scotland's best long-term interest?

Question code: UKIntNat

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: Yes
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: Yes
  • Party political identification : Yes
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: Yes
  • Interest in politics: -

Question wording: How much do you trust the Scottish Government to work in Scotland's best interests?

Question code: NatInNat

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: Yes
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: Yes
  • Party political identification : Yes
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: -
  • Interest in politics: -

Question wording: Which of the following do you think has most influence over the way Scotland is run?

Question code: DoesInfl

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: Yes
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: Yes
  • Party political identification : Yes
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: -
  • Interest in politics: Yes

Question wording: And which do you think ought to have most influence over the way Scotland is run?

Question code: OughtInfl

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: Yes
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: Yes
  • Party political identification : Yes
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: Yes
  • Interest in politics: -

Question wording: Think Scottish Parliament is giving ordinary people…[more say in how Scotland is governed/less say/or, is it making no difference?]

Question code: SayInGv3DV

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: Yes
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: Yes
  • Party political identification : Yes
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: -
  • Interest in politics: Yes

Question wording: Suppose the government had to choose between the following three options. Which do you think it should choose? Reduce taxes and spend less on health, education and social benefits/Keep taxes and spending on these services at the same level as now/Increase taxes and spend more on health, education and social benefits

Question code: TaxSpend

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: Yes
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: Yes
  • Party political identification : Yes
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: Yes
  • Interest in politics: Yes

Question wording: Government should redistribute income from the better-off to those who are less well off - agree or disagree?

Question code: Redistrib

Is there a significant association with:

  • Left-right scale: Yes
  • Libertarian-authoritarian scale: Yes
  • Party political identification : Yes
  • Constitutional preference: Yes
  • Relationship to EU: Yes
  • Interest in politics: Yes



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