Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2023 - Technical Report

Technical report supporting the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey core module 2023.

In 2023, SSAS was run as a push-to-web survey for the first time in its history. This report presents detailed analysis of this change in methodology from face-to-face to push-to-web.


i. With the exception of 2008, 2012, 2014, 2018, and 2020.

ii. Social housing is included within this definition. Addresses that are out of scope include: empty/derelict addresses, buildings under construction, holiday homes, businesses, other non-residential (such as schools, offices and institutions) buildings and demolished addresses.

iii. Data available here: Scottish Social Attitudes Survey - (

iv. The design effect is defined as how far a sampling plan varies from a simple random sample, where every address would have an equal chance of selection – clustering increases the design effect as there is an increased variance from a simple random sample.

v. Households and Dwellings in Scotland, 2022, Report (

vi. Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings - (

vii. Ibid

viii. Analysis has been restricted to the last 3 years of face-to-face survey so as to reduce the impact that the change over time may have had on the figures, particularly in respect to any changes in social attitudes, in contrast to the change in mode from face-to-face to push-to-web.

ix. NB – 2016 figures are for 18-24 year olds, the minimum respondent age was lowered to 16 in 2017.

x. The Scottish Health Survey 2022 Volume 1: Main Report

xi. Understanding disability in a digital society | TechShare Pro 2020 - Scope for business

xii. Reported Green Party list vote for the phone and panel surveys was 18% and 15% respectively.

xiii. Note: those saying Don’t Know/Refused/Not Sure/Definitely will not vote excluded from the denominator on which these figures are based.

xiv. How would you vote in a Scottish independence referendum if held now? (asked after the EU referendum) - What Scotland Thinks

xv. Ibid

xvi. Further information on the construction of the scale is included in Annex B to this report

xvii. IBM Documentation

xviii. Spector, P. (1992), Summated Rating Scale Construction: An Introduction, Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, 82, Newbury Park, California: Sage

xix. DeVellis, R.F. (2003), Scale Development: Theory and Applications, 2nd edition, Applied Social Research Methods Series, 26, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage



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