
Scottish Social Housing Charter November 2022

The Charter helps to improve the quality and value of services provided by social landlords in Scotland. It sets the standards and outcomes that all social landlords should aim to achieve when performing their housing activities.

A note about language

Some key phrases are used throughout the Charter, which are explained below.

Housing (Scotland) Act 2010, section 31

Section 31 of the Act says that:

'Ministers must set out standards and outcomes which social landlords should aim to achieve when performing housing activities.

The document in which those standards and outcomes are set out is to be known as the "Scottish Social Housing Charter".'

National Outcomes

The Charter supports the outcomes that people:

  • live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe
  • value, enjoy, protect and enhance their environment
  • respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live from discrimination.


  • An outcome is a result we want to happen.
  • The Charter sets out the results that a social landlord should achieve for its tenants and other customers.
  • The Charter is not about what a landlord does or how it does it. It is about the customer's experience of using a landlord's services.

Scottish Housing Regulator

The Regulator is the independent body that the Scottish Parliament created to look after the interests of people who are or may become homeless, tenants of social landlords, or users of the services that social landlords provide. The Regulator monitors, assesses, and reports on how landlords are performing against the Charter's outcomes and standards.

Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS)

The SHQS is the Scottish Government's main way of measuring the quality of social housing in Scotland.

Social housing

Housing provided by councils and housing associations under a Scottish Secure Tenancy or Short Scottish Secure Tenancy.

Social landlord

  • A council landlord.
  • A not-for-profit landlord, registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator (for example, a housing association, or co-operative).
  • A council that does not own any housing but provides housing services, for example services for homeless people.


A person or organisation with an interest in social housing and the way it is regulated. The following are some examples of stakeholders:

  • The Scottish Housing Regulator.
  • Tenants of social landlords and bodies representing their interests.
  • Homeless people and bodies representing their interests.
  • Users of housing services provided by social landlords and bodies representing the interests of those users.
  • Social landlords and bodies representing their interests.
  • Secured creditors of registered social landlords and bodies representing those secured creditors.
  • The Accounts Commission for Scotland.
  • The Equalities and Human Rights Commissions and other bodies representing equal opportunities interests.


A level of quality that every social landlord should achieve.

Tenants and other customers

  • People who are already tenants of a social landlord.
  • People who may become tenants in the future – for example, someone who has applied for a tenancy.
  • Homeless people.
  • People who use the housing services provided by a social landlord – for example, home owners who pay a social landlord to provide a factoring service, or Gypsy/Travellers who use sites provided by a social landlord.



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