
Scottish Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13

Scottish Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13

Annex C

Table 3: Annually Managed Expenditure

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Budget Draft Budget Plans Plans
£m £m £m £m
Health, Wellbeing & Cities Strategy 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Finance, Employment & Sustainable Growth
3,230.4 3,200.8 3,375.2 3,555.7
Education and Lifelong Learning 102.5 125.8 289.8 347.8
- - - -
Rural Affairs & the Environment - - - -
Culture & External Affairs - - - -
Infrastructure & Capital Investment - - - -
- - - -
Parliamentary Business & Government Strategy
- - - -
Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal - - - -
Local Government 2,179.5 2,272.0 2,444.0 2,673.0
Scottish Parliament and Audit Scotland - - - -
Total 5,612.4 5,698.6 6,209.0 6,676.5
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